Chapter 29: Save You Tonight

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Chapter 29: Save You Tonight


"Oooohh, my favorite music video!" Louis squealed. I laughed and motioned for them to sit down in front of the computer. I wrote in my journal:

We'll pretty much be doing the same exact moves that are in the music video, a few of the tougher ones. I've come up with a few new moves for when you're not dancing but acting. For now just sit and watch while I set up.

I was smirking when they were done reading, and Liam clicked the play button on YouTube. They watched it like it was the best movie they'd ever seen. Except Niall laughed when they saw their superhero costumes again. He was going to laugh really hard when that video was finished.

I ran into my room and dived into my closet, flinging clothes every which way. Where were they?

I finally found them with a sigh of relief. I remembered asking Martha to sew these for me because five girls from around the neighborhood (the only ones that knew I was dancergirl911) had wanted to be dressed like the boys for Halloween. This was going to be hilarious.

The song was almost over when I returned to the recording studio, and I quickly shoved the things behind the couch.

"I think we can do this," Niall said confidently, turning around. "We've survived 'Up All Night'. How hard can this one be?" The other boys nodded in agreement, but Zayn still looked a little nervous. He always looked nervous before we started dancing.

I grinned at them and they stared back at me. "Why do you suddenly look like the Joker?" Liam asked. "It's kind of freaking me out."

"I think it's a good look on her," Louis smirked, and I rolled my eyes. I held out my hands in a "stay there" gesture and turned back around to grab them.

I threw them onto the ground before the boys. They stared at them. Niall wasn't laughing. Then all of their faces reddened, something I was satisfied and amused to see. "What... are those?!" Zayn squeaked out and I giggled.

Your costumes! You know, from the music video!

"Where did they come from?" Harry demanded.

Martha made them for me to give to a couple of girls I know. Now, they're yours.

"Wait," Liam said. "You mean these suits were made for girls?!" I never thought of that, but I nodded anyway.

"Forget it," Louis sniffed. "You couldn't pay me to put that on. What are you trying to do, humiliate us?" I tried not to giggle. That's the plan.

"I'm not wearing that either," Zayn agreed.

Good thing I got to email Simon. I cleared my throat and pulled out a sheet of paper from my back pocket. I gave it to Harry and they passed it around. This is what it said:

Dear Kashine,

I think the costume thing is a great idea. It'll help the boys live the part, and it would also probably be quite amusing for you and me. Send me a picture?

Thank you,
Simon Cowell

It was the last email he sent me when I asked him if it was alright. Personally, I can't believe that he agreed, but I was glad he did.

The boys were scowling by the time the paper reached back to me. "I don't care what Simon says," Niall said and Louis snickered. "I'm not wearing a leotard."

Technically, it wasn't TOTALLY a leotard, since the cloth reached beyond the thighs, but now wasn't the time to be logical.

"Actually," Liam grimaced. "Remember we promised Simon that we would follow every order or direction that Kashine gave us. I believe this falls under that category."

"What Simon doesn't know can't hurt him," Zayn retorted.

They must've forgot that I was in the room or something, because I had a very lethal weapon. I pulled out my iPod and tapped the mail app. Then I tapped compose and Simon's email address, and I began to type the message.

Dear Uncle Simon,

The boys aren't following my orders! They won't listen to anything I say! I really need your help!

Pretty please help,
Kashine Douglas

Smirking, I showed the boys. They all paled. My message wasn't very threatening, but Simon sure was. You didn't want to mess with that guy. I snapped my fingers for more emphasis on how quickly Simon could flip on them. "Fine," Harry scowled. "But I'll get my revenge for this too."

They walked into the recording studio with their costumes on, and I swear, there was nothing more ridiculous in the world than that.

I burst out laughing and they glared at me, faces redder than ever. I collapsed onto the couch, unable to stand I was laughing so hard. I sat up and wiped my blurry wet eyes. I held up my iPod and snapped a picture before you could say "cheese".

"Hey!" they yelped in unison and I sent it to Simon with a quick thank you and very many laughing faces.

"You better not have sent that to Simon," Harry warned me. Now it was my turn to grin at him cheekily. I so did.

"You're gonna pay, Kashine," he growled.

"These things are tight!" Louis complained, twisting back and forth and promptly making me laugh again.

Revenge would have to wait until after this session. The deadline was looming before us, and the days were flying by. We didn't have much time, and even the boys acknowledged that.

So they didn't complain way too much when I put them in their places and danced the song for them. It just involved a lot of air punches and tapping feet and hero stuff like that. It was really pretty easy, like all moves. At least, in my opinion. To these boys dancing was so alien it was like trying to eat pig brain.

I danced with them a few times and ended up having to separate them more because their air punches were too close to their neighbor's head.

I also had to help out Liam, Niall, and Louis on getting the foot-tapping all in sync. When it was their solos, I only let them sing. There really wasn't much for them to do, so they got it down pat without music after only thirty minutes.

With music, they had to hurry it up a little bit, but they did pretty okay.

"These things also make you sweat," Niall panted as he wiped his brow. I doubt it did anything.

"You know," Louis scowled. "I don't think I like this music video anymore."

I smiled. Gotta live the part. Good choice of words, Uncle Si. I could never have come up with something like that. I only wanted to embarrass them. Mission accomplished.

I made them practice five more times, than three more when it was just about perfect. I applauded for them when they were done with that. And I hadn't danced with them at all. I don't think they noticed.

Okay, we're done with this song. You boys did well, even in your costumes. Good job.

"It'll just be an reward to get this stupid thing off of me," Harry said, peeling it off his arm and letting it slap back into place.

"I really have to pee," Niall whimpered. "How do I get this thing off of me?!"

I laughed as the boys started to help him, but then I realized something. I waved my arms in protest, and when that didn't work, I slapped their hands away. "What?" Liam asked, a little irritated. I gestured to themselves, but once again the message wasn't sent through and I had to write my worries down.

Don't take it off in here! All you'll be in is your boxers! Save this innocent girl a few more years, will you?

"Fine," Niall huffed while the other boys chuckled or smiled. "But I've really gotta pee!"

"Yeah, we got the message the first time," Zayn said, rolling his eyes. They left the recording studio. I grinned.

They may be pissed at me but, you've gotta admit, seeing them in those leotards was totally worth it. You picture their sexy bodies in those tight things. Yeah, it was a hundred times better than that. Totally worth it.

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