Chapter 9 - Minal

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Shortly after Abdullah left my room, I went downstairs and met him with Goggo Sabuwa and others sitting comfortably in the dining table.

"Minal, su autan Mama kenan" The woman hyped, making me to blush.

"Good afternoon, Goggo" I greeted her.

"Afternoon my dear, how have you been?" she asked.

"Fine, kun iso lafiya?" I said.

"Eh, Alhamdulillah" she said.

And after our greetings, she continued her discussion with mom and Ya Siyyama while I pulled a chair and sat in the dining.

"You are supposed to sit close to me not opposite me" Abdullah said in what seemed like a whisper.

"You've started again koh?" I glared at him.

"No, just stating fact" he said giggling.

"Mtsww" I rolled my eyes at him and began eating my food.

"Hmm, okay I am sorry big sis" he sarcastically said. "You know," he continued, "I don't like seeing you angry"

"You don't, indeed. For all I care!" I rolled my eyes at him again.

"Hmm, beautiful woman. Do that again please, I love how you used to roll your eyes" he said smiling at me.

"Look, I don't have your time" I said and quickly joined Goggo Sabuwa's conversation with mom and Ya Siyyama.

Minutes later, my phone began ringing. It was a call from Sayyada, my colleague at Premium University. We were doing our masters degree together there. I quickly excused myself from the dining and picked the call in the sitting room.

"AsSalama Alaykum" I heard her said the moment I placed the phone on one of my ears.

"Wa'alaykumus Salam," I responded, "good afternoon" I greeted.

"Afternoon, Minal. How are you doing?" she asked.

"Alhamdulillah," I responded, "how about you?"

"Not fine. Can you please come over, it's about my presentation?" she said.

"Alright, I am coming" I said as I ended the call and headed to my room.

I took my longest hijab and wore it before taking my car keys from the drawer and heading downstairs. I wouldn't dare go to their house with a veil or short hijjab because her father was the Imam of their Street, he was a very strict religious man.

"Mom, ina zuwa. Urgent call from Sayyada" I informed my mom in the dining.

"Hope everything is fine?" she asked concerned.

"Yes, just school stuff" I responded.

"Alright then, a dawo lafiya" she said.

"In Shaa Allah" I said and then bade Goggo Sabuwa goodbye because I might not come back and meet her, they wouldn't be sleeping over this time around.

Abdullah then escorted me to the parking lot while teasing me all the way there. I just ignored him and stormed into my car.

"Okay, I think play time is over. Please be safe, okay?" he said the moment I was about shutting the door of the car.

"Thank you" I said and gently pulled the door close. He then bade me goodbye and I bade back.

As soon as I arrived at Sayyada's house, I pulled over just before the mosque in front of their house. Thus, I began hearing her father's voice as he recite the Holy Qur'an together with his students.

Her father actually had Islamiya to which he used to tutor grown ups and even children that have high interest in studying the Qur'an and Hadith locally. You can't mention his name twice in the area.

I hopped out of the car and gently walked past the mosque, but not without greeting the man in a respectful manner. I didn't even look at him much to see if he acknowledged my greeting or not.

I headed straight into their house and met Sayyada in her room battling with her presentation. "AsSalama Alaykum" I said as I sat close to her on the carpet.

"Wa'alaykumus Salam, welcome" she said wearing a smile on her face. "I was actually about calling you again" she added.

"Well, I am here" I smiled as well, collecting the laptop from her. "You are still in chapter 2?" I asked staring at the screen.

"Yes wallahi. You know I am not good at microsoft office, that's why I even called you to help me out while I pay attention" she replied.

"Hmm, okay. Let's do it then" I said leaning my back on the wall.

Hence I helped her with the presentation by editing it thoroughly for her, which took me hours to finish. I was on it when rain started falling heavily. She then suggested I observe my prayers before going home.

"How about you?" I asked.

"Not pure" she said as she stood and left the room.

I then took one of the kettles I found in the room, walked to the door and performed ablution carefully to avoid being drenched by the rainfall.

Their house was actually old school, every room was more like a self-contain. The rooms weren't really connected as in the case of flat or bungalow, but the compound was big. You can find such type of rooms in the rural areas.

After performing my ablution, I returned back to the room and observed my missed prayers before finally observing Magrib.

While on the prayer mat doing my azkar, Sayyada returned back with a lady into the room. The lady must be one of her father's students, judging from the color of her hijjab and its length.

"When you are going, please give this lady a lift. She's not living nearby and we don't know when this rain will stop" she said to me and I nodded in acknowledgement. She then turned to the lady, "Wait for her to finish" she said.

"Okay Sayyada" The lady said.

"Good" Sayyada said and left again.

When I was done with my Azkar, the lady greeted me. I responded with a cheerful smile and asked where she was living at.

"Legbo Estate" she responded.

"Oh, that's far from here" I said.

"Yes, it's far" she uttered looking sad.

"Well, don't worry. I will take you there, to the front of your house even!" I assured her.

"Thank you" she smiled.

"You are welcome" I said.

When Sayyada returned, she escorted us to my car outside with a big umbrella before returning back home in haste.

"Bismillah..." I said as I quickly ignited the engine into action. I then told the lady to fasten her seatbelt, to which she did.

While on our way to her destination, I asked why she chose an Islamiya far away from home.

"Hmm," she started, "I am loyal to Mallam Uthman that's why" she said referring to Sayyada's father. "It was in his supervision I memorized the Noble Qur'an," she continued, "I was a child then and they were living in our area"

"So you chose to continue learning under him?" I curiously asked.

"Yes!" she said. "He isn't just a tutor to me, but was my father's best friend too" she added.


"Yeah, my father is late"

"Sorry about that, Allah Ya jikan shi"



Good morning, my people....

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