Chapter 34 - Imran

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So, finally, I was also in a relationship. My friends laughed at me when I told them the person I was dating... Minal, the younger sister of Siyyama. They were like, your former crush's sister? Gross! 

But I didn't really care, so far I cherished her. And it wasn't as if her family were against it, when they came back two days ago I was there in their house...throughout.

I didn't leave until quarter to ten in the evening, that too was because my dad wanted to see me. It was about an urgent trip to Moscow and he intended to go with me.

I tried all my best to turn down his request but all efforts to no avail. According to him, the deal would be incomplete without me. It was actually about oil, crude oil.

Before we left, I met with Minal and we discussed about it. She was so worried, the war with Ukraine was still active and she didn't want anything bad to happen to me.

"Don't worry, I will be fine In Shaa Allah" I had assured her.


Our plane landed some hours after take off. We were then humbly welcomed by some security guards from the Nigerian Embassy.

The guards came with the ambassador's chief of staff, Alhaji Nazir. An old man who, according to my dad, was his childhood friend.

When we arrived at the embassy, we were taken to one of the guest rooms to lodge in. It was big, and fancy too. One funny thing was how, instead of air conditioning, they installed heaters.

Actually, the temperature there was damn cold, you could feel it even while in your full gears. My dad laughed at me as I sat in a chair, folding my arms across my chest.

"It's your first time here, you know? You will get used to it... soon" he said.

"Get used to it, dad? Are we staying here long?" I curiously asked.

"It depends on how swift the ambassador is going to sign up for the deal, he's an unpredictable man" he said.

Just then, Alhaji Nazir came and told us the ambassador would be seeing us soon. Together with his family. 

"Ma Shaa Allah!" Dad smiled and told him we would be ready before then.

"Good" The man said and left.

Thus, dad glanced at me and told me the things I needed to know before meeting the ambassador. He also warned me against chiming into their business discussion...

"Just pretend as if you are not around, smile when you are talked to and reply only what you know, politely!" he cautioned.

"Okay, dad" I nodded in acknowledgement.


When it was time for us to meet the ambassador, we were summoned and ushered into one of the living rooms in the administrative building, the one with a gigantic dining table.

The ambassador was present with his family, a good-looking middle-aged woman and two teenagers.

"Ah ah, su Alhaji Mangal kenan. Welcome, and have a seat please!" The ambassador said, gesturing to us to sit by his left. His family were by his right, actually.

After sitting down, he introduced us to his family. His wife's name was Nadia, she was a Russian. Then his two children were Amir and Hafsa.

He wasn't done introducing them to us when suddenly he realized someone was missing, he quickly asked where the person was.

"Where is Rahina, for God's Sake? Is she out again?" he clamoured. 

"I am here, dad!" A beautiful girl from nowhere appeared, walking swiftly towards us. She looked exactly like the ambassador's wife, but wasn't as fair as her. Was she the ambassador's child too?

"This is my first child," The Ambassador cleared my doubt, "she's twenty two (22) and one of the best artists Moscow has" he proudly said.

"Wow, Ma Shaa Allah!" Dad said as he beamed at the girl.

"You are welcome, sir" The girl coyly said. She then pulled the chair facing me and sat in it.

To be honest, she looked more Russian than Nigerian. She took almost everything from her mother.

I kept staring at her, imagining how hell of a half-cast she was when she caught me staring at her and smiled. Her dimples depressed, sending shivers down my spine. I quickly lowered my gaze.

Throughout the eating session, I wasn't really me. I couldn't even eat much because my mind was on her. She, on the other hand was busy with her phone.

After eating, the ambassador demanded to see my dad in private for the business deal.

I really thought I was going to be involved in the deal but then, Alhaji Nazir was told to escort me back to the guests room to wait for my dad.

I was heartbroken!

If I wouldn't be allow to join my dad, I should at least be given chance to stay in the dining table so I could continue glancing at Rahina.

But wait a minute, what's wrong with me? Was I falling for the strange girl already? Since when did I become a betrayer? 


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