Chapter 11 - Minal

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When Imran came to our house in the morning, Ya Siyyama asked me to attend to him. She was busy, you know? So I gladly did as she told me to.

I went to him in the parking lot, took him to the garden and offered him refreshments. I also kept him company before Ya Siyyama surfaced shortly after.

Thus I went back into the house and thought heavily about him. It was obvious he loved Ya Siyyama a lot the fact that he even talked about marrying her.

And marrying her would definitely hinder him from becoming mine since there was no way I could ever become my sister's co-wife.

I was busy thinking in the living room when Ya Siyyama bounced in looking somehow sad. "Is everything okay?" I asked her out of curiosity.

"Yes, just that I am not happy for Imran" she said as she sat on the armrest of the couch I was sitting in.

"What happened?" I wrinkled a brow at her.

"Hmm!" she heaved a sigh, "Wallahi Imran is obsessed with me," she continued, "this is the third or fourth time he's confessing his feelings to me"

"Oh!" I uttered not knowing what else to say to her.

"Yeah, ni kuma gaskiya bana son shi. I already told him we can only be friends. Just friends" she said making me to wrinkle my brows in bewilderment. I actually thought they were in love or something.

"Eyyah" I said trying hard to hide the smile surfacing on my face due to excitement. "Hope he's not hurt?" I managed to ask.

"He's hurt fa, but hopefully he will get over it soon" she said as she withdrew from the couch's armrest, "I pray he meets the right woman for him soon"

"Ameen!" I stressed.

"Summah Ameen" she said and headed upstairs.

Hence I ran out of the house to check on Imran. Unfortunately for me, I was late as he had already drove away already.

With a heavy heart, I returned back into the house and went straight to Ya Siyyama's room. She was busy operating her laptop.

"Ya Siyyama" I called out on her and posed.

"Yes, any problem?" she asked.

"No, nothing... just want to borrow your phone" I responded.

"Why? What are you going to do with it?" she asked with half of her attention on the laptop.

"Just... just want to call my phone, I didn't know where I kept it" I lied.

"Here then..." she picked her phone from her vincity and handed it over to me.

"Thank you!" I grabbed it from her and stormed out of the room.

Then I went to my room, searched through the phone until I found Imran's contact. She had actually saved it as IMRANA, with one of his best pictures uploaded as the contact's profile.

Finally! I sighed in relief and quickly saved the contact in my phone before returning her phone back to her. "Have you seen the phone?" she asked referring to my phone, the one I lied I was looking for.

"Yes, ashe ma a... a kitchen na bar shi when I went to get Imran refreshments" I impudently lied.

"Oh, eyyah!" she uttered.

"Yeah" I pouted at her and left happily. I was lucky her attention wasn't on me if not, I would have to explain why I did what I did. The pouting!

When I went back to my room and was about calling Imran, my phone fell down due to overexcitement.

I unhesitatingly took the phone from the floor and checked if nothing had happened to it. Unfortunately, the screen had broken due to the impact.

In anger, I groaned and sat at the edge of my bed. I then stared at the phone for like eternity, not even knowing what exactly to do. From happiness to sadness, all within a minute.

The following day I took the phone to a repair center. The engineers there told me they didn't have the kind of screen at the moment and that the screen could cost me twenty thousand naira, plus they would have to order it from Lagos.

That was how I returned back home without the phone. I gave them the money they requested and left the phone with them. Hopefully, in two weeks time I would be able to get the phone back.

But there was no way I could stay like that without any phone, so I bought a small KaiOS device from a mobile shop and inserted my sim cards inside. Then I searched through the contact list in the sim cards for Imran's contact but couldn't find it.

If only I had saved his contact in one of the sim cards, but I saved it in my phone instead. Now it's broken! I lamented.


Hello guys, two days right?

I was preoccupied that's why.

Happy eid in advance 💝

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