Chapter 29 - Minal

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With mom, dad, and Ya Siyyama gone, the house became empty to me even though Goggo Sabuwa and Abdullah were around.

And in just few days of their departure, I started missing them. Dad especially. I heard he would be operated soon. I just hope it all workout this time around.

Today was a sunny day, the temperature read 38°C. I couldn't step out of the house due to the heat. And that made me wondered how petty traders out there used to cope with unfavorable weather conditions.

Imagine hawking on the street or selling something out there in this hot weather, how will you cope? Ya Allah, please make things easy upon us and bless our legitimate sources of income.


While preparing lunch in the kitchen, Abdullah salaamed in and asked if I needed help with anything. He was calm these days, unlike he used to be in the past. 

"No, na ma kusan gamawa. I am almost done" I politely turned down his offer.

"Hmm, okay love" he dragged a stool from one side of the kitchen and sat on it, now staring at me with his arms folded across his chest.

"An idle mind is the devil's workshop" I quoted, trying to remind him to be wary of the kind of thoughts that may arise in his mind while stationing his eyes on me. My gown was actually tight and I wasn't wearing any veil or hijab.

"Acknowledged!" he huffed with a fainted smile on his face, stood from the stool and then walked over to me. "Please let me help you" he said, trying to grab the ladle in my hand.

"Ah ahh, stop it now" I gently pushed him away with my body, "I said I am almost done" I reiterated.

"Okay love, na bari" he raised his hands up in defeat. 

"Good!" I muttered.

"Hmm" he huffed and pulled out his phone from his pocket, "Do you remember the girl I once told you about? The one I said confessed her feelings to me?" he said, swiping through his phone.

"Which girl? I can't remember!" I muttered.

"Here..." he showed me her picture.

"Ohh, her? What's even her name? I remember now. What happened to her?" I wrinkled a brow at him.

"Asiya is the name. Actually, Goggo and I discussed about her some days ago and she told me to accept her" he explained.

"Ma Shaa Allah," I beamed, "what are you waiting for then?" 

"Hmm, you! I am waiting for your approval" he said, and somehow I found his statement funny.

"Me? Ni a wa?" I scoffed.

"You; as my love, and my big sis" he uttered, sarcastically widening his teeth.

"Mtsww, you are not serious wallahi!" I rolled my eyes at him. "On a serious note though," I continued, "as long as you love her, please court her" 

"Hmm, toh. I heard you" he sighed, staring at me strangely.

"What?" I glared at him.

"Nothing, just that... Imran is lucky to have a special place in your heart, Minal. Dan gaskiya you are extremely beautiful" he said, giving me that strange look that he usually does whenever he's carried away by my beauty... or so I thought.

"Thanks for the compliment" I gave him a fainted smile and turned, thinking about Imran...

That day, when my veiled was pulled off by the wind in Rumaisah's uncle's house he gave me the same strange look Abdullah was giving me now.

I was uncomfortable but I was also glad he saw me that way, and that LOOK that he gave me made me wondered for some time whether he had found me attractive or he was just imagining my body.

If only I was slim like Ya Siyyama, maybe he wouldn't find it hard to fall for me. But I was kind of chubby, and my breasts were somehow ample. I mean, full.

Whenever I complain about my body, mom would say I should be grateful because men are obsessed with women that have my characteristics. And that men like profuse chests a lot, and also good body-shape like mine.

If only that was the case in general. However, I believe in one thing, that the right man will always love a woman for who she is. Whether she's slim, chubby, or fat. 

After preparing lunch, I served Goggo Sabuwa while Abdullah served himself. I wasn't hungry, hence I left the dining island to my room to have some rest.

Ya Rahman! I fell wearily on the bed and laid down, facing the ceiling with my hands spread on the bedsheet. Cooking is exhausting, especially when it involves preparing extra dishes and you do it alone.

I was supposed to go shopping today but I changed my mind already, the shopping could wait. I felt like the whole planet was on top of me, I was so freaking tired.

Buzz... Buzz... over the horizon...

My phone vibrated and quickly began ringing. Goddammit! I muttered a curse and sluggishly stretched my hand to the bedside table to pick it.

I thought it was just any call, particularly from someone I was used to making calls with but when I checked the caller i.d, I found out it was Imran. 

Huhh? I blurted, adjusting to a sitting position without hesitation. Imran? I stared at the screen for some seconds before clearing my throat and answering the call.

"Hello, good mor... afternoon" I stuttered.

"Afternoon Minal, how are you?" he said from the other side.

"I am fine, how... how about you?" I stuttered again.

"Same here. I heard your dad has been flown to the U.K, Ya jikin?" he asked.

"He's still on the wait-list wallahi, yet to undergo his surgery there" I replied.

"Eyyah," he empathized, "may it be successful"

"Ameen" I responded to his prayer.

"Summah Ameen," he added to my response and huffed, "are you at home?" he asked.

"Yes!" I nodded as if he was right in front of me.

"Okay," he paused and continued, "expect me and Barirah around five in the evening today, In Shaa Allah"


Another update.

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