Chapter 27 - Minal

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Ever since dad had an accident, things had not been going well in our family. We were so worried about his spinal cord, he had injury there which affected his ability to use his legs.

The doctors had been trying to fix him but all efforts proved abortive, even Ya Siyyama led her own team from the NGO she was working with to figure out how to fix him but that too to no avail.

Eventually, he started giving up on himself. We too, except for mom who vowed that she would do anything within her power to make sure his ability to walk is restored.

She contacted our former family physician in London, Dr. Shirley and told her about the situation. X-rays were sent... and the doctor, who was a professional surgeon told us to come.

Arrangements had been made already, and mom and Ya Siyyama would be going with him tomorrow while Goggo Sabuwa and Abdullah would keep me company at home.

I deliberately chose not to go with them because every time I look at dad's condition, tears would roll down my cheeks. He was suffering, and seeing him unable to use his legs used to weaken me.

Talking about being weakened by my father's inability to walk, I was also crumbled when I found out Imran was with Barirah. That religious girl from Sayyada's father's Islamiya, they came last month to the hospital to greet Dad.

When I saw them together, I pretended as if I wasn't hurt but deep down I was hurt beyond words. I ushered them into the hospital building, to Dad's ward and mom welcomed them warmly.

Ya Siyyama however was idle, albeit Imran also didn't seem to care about her anymore. Anyways, it was obvious he had moved on... with Barirah.

And it wasn't as if she was more beautiful than any of us, he must have chosen her for her religiousness. To be frank, I was so jealous but there was nothing I could do about it.

When they left, I went out and made a call to Sayyada. I asked if she knew about Barirah and Imran, hence she told me she was surprised to see them together too, and that she was the one that encouraged them to visit us.

Anyways, I had made my peace with the situation even though it still pained to think about it. I stopped viewing his status updates on social media and also stopped worrying myself about chatting him up.

But something I couldn't stop myself from doing was checking his profile picture, I would always do that and whenever he uploaded a new picture of him I would admire it... and wish him the best in his life.

"Minal, haba!" Ya Siyyama pulled me out of my trance with her vehement utterance.

I didn't even know when she entered my room, and she wasn't alone. Abdullah was standing by the door watching the whole thing, he probably followed her.

"Sorry," I adjusted into a sitting position on my bed and heaved a sigh, "I was... I was..." I stuttered as she cut in,

"It's okay sis, I know you were thinking. We all do that but not all the time, because it's not good for our health" she preached.

"Thank you, I will amend" I muttered.

"Good. Dad actually sent me to you, he wants you to have this," she walked over to me and handed me a dollar debit card with our dad's name written on it, "for your upkeep"

"Upkeep?" I sluggishly collected the card from her and stared at it, confused.

"Yes! Our trip is tomorrow morning, remember? He wants to make sure you are settled before we leave" she explained.

"Okay, thank you" I kept the card on the bedside table to my right.

"You are welcome. The password is the same as the rest of his cards" she said about leaving when I halted her,

"Wait, Ya Siyyama"

"Is everything okay?" she wrinkled a brow at me.

"Yes, actually... I just want to ask. Please come closer" I said.

"Okay" she stepped forward and sat close to me on the edge of the bed.

"Ya Siyyama, something has been bothering me and I would like to share with you" I said.

"Tell me about it" she demanded.

"Okay," I cleared my throat, "remember Imran, your friend?"

"Yes, what about him?" she glared at me.

"I... I think I love him" I uttered in a low tone.

"You think or you do?" she smirked.

"Okay I do" I finally admitted.

"Hmm, I knew it long ago. I mean, I had that hunch but right now you do know that he's with someone right? Or have they separated with the girl he came with that day?" she asked.

"I don't think so, because I am not following him again. I also tried to get him off my head but all efforts to no avail. What can I do? Da wanne zan ji, ciwon Baba ko feelings d'in Imran?" I muttered, almost breaking down into tears.

"Hey, Minal," she placed her hand on my shoulder, "it's okay. Don't let this whole thing get to you. Erase him kawai. Find someone and replace him with"

"But it's not that simple Ya Siyyama" I lamented.

"Not that simple? Well, then make it simple. Dan gaskiya I will not advise you to kill yourself over that boy, there are many handsome men around. Masu hankali. Stop killing yourself over Imran!" she stood to her feet, bade me goodnight and left my room.

"Goodnight, love" Abdullah did the same, and left.


Another update.

Don't forget to follow my profile please; KingMoha ❤️

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