Chapter 28 - Imran

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Barirah and I lived for a week together before her mom eventually returned, thus I drove her back to their house.

I knew we would miss each other but there was nothing we could possibly do. It was time for her to return to their house, she had really tried for me!

Throughout her stay in our house, she had never for once stepped upstairs. She said it would be a transgression for her to near my room, especially when we were the only ones around.

She was always with a veil too, covering her neck and chest. I also tried as much as I could to lower my gaze even though the kind of look I used to give her was that of a brother to his sister, nothing more.

Every morning she would call to wake me up via phone for morning prayer, and would remind me to supplicate and recite the Holy Qur'an before leaving the prayer mat.

Before she came, I used to worry about what to prepare for breakfast but her coming changed everything. Everyday, after praying Fajr I would meet my breakfast waiting for me in the dining.

As if that wasn't enough, she would pack some in warmers for me to take to work. She was very hardworking to be honest, she would always take her time to prepare delicious meal for me. How would I cope in her absence?

Well, I should better get used to being without her. I mean, since she wasn't the one I was willing to marry. I could remember the day she brought the issue of marriage to me, that she really wished to get married soon.

I had to ask if she had a boyfriend because one could only talk about getting married when they have someone in mind, and when I asked she told me the person was more like a soulmate to her

She didn't say much about the person though, and I didn't care to know more about him. I believed whoever he was, one day he would be unveiled and hopefully I would grace their wedding.

Barirah would definitely make a good wife, as well as a good mother. I might not know that for sure though but judging from her characteristics, she wouldn't disappoint.

Unlike Siyyama, that heartless girl. I heard she was still single, and was still pursuing her dream of becoming an international doctor. Success to her, all the way. I might end up getting married before her, who knows?

But wait a minute, can someone get married without having a girlfriend? Someone like me was dreaming to marry soon, and it wasn't as if I have a girlfriend.

And I wasn't willing to just marry any woman, the kind of woman I wished to marry was the one I could develop feelings for her or the one I could love.

Siyyama is exempted, for that reason I wouldn't even talk about her. But her sister, Minal... well, I could say she was amazing. I didn't just know why I didn't like chubby girls that much but, she was beautiful too.

The last time we met, it was in Standard Hospital where her father was receiving medical treatment. She was Barirah's friend and I didn't even know it before. Anyways, we didn't talk much and we haven't been in touch ever since.

She also stopped viewing my statuses for a while. However, when few days ago Dad and Hajiya returned from their trip and I posted a status about it, she was the first to view it.

Buzz... buzz...

My phone vibrated and quickly began ringing, it was a call from - you already know it - Barirah. But what was she still doing awake at this hour? I wondered and sluggishly picked the call. It was actually quarter to eleven in the night.

"AsSalama Alaykum" she said the moment I picked the call.

"Wa'alaikumus Salam, still awake?" I muttered.

"Yes," she said, "how about you? Or did I just wake you up?"

"No, I was awake too. Though I intended to retire to bed soon. Is everything okay?" I curiously asked.

"Well, yes. Kawai dai, naji kewan ka ne. I miss you and... when are you coming to see me?" she said.

"Hmm, you want your boss to strangle me right?" I sarcastically uttered.

"What boss? Lol, nobody's gonna strangle you. By the way, I passed by your filling station in a tricycle at around three o'clock in the afternoon, and saw you outside attending to some tank drivers" she said, reminding me about the deal I sealed with Gross Ltd earlier today.

"Oh, hmm" I smiled.

"Yes, I wanted stopping by but I didn't want to disturb you" she said.

"Eyyah, thank you" I gulped.

"Never mind. So, when are we going to meet? You know how busy I am these days with orders, if not gidan ku ai ba bakon zuwa na bane" she stressed out.

"Hakane, and me too I am busy these days but In Shaa Allah I will come during weekend. Specifically on Sunday, da safe" I promised her even though I wasn't sure about it.

"Okay, Allah Ya kaimu" she yawned.

"Ameen. You should rest" I suggested.

"Yes, I will. But I am not tired of hearing your voice, Imran, even though I know it's haram" she said, rendering me speechless. I didn't actually know what to say. "Are you there?" she asked, breaking the silence that crept upon us.

"Oh! Yes, I mean..." I paused and continued, "don't you think we are going too far?"

"Too far as in how?" she muttered.

"As in, your man will definitely be pissed if one day he finds out we are having this kind of conversation" I expressed.

"Like seriously, why?" she giggled.

"Hmm, what happened to jealousy? Or don't you know men can also be jealous at times?" I said as she heaved a sigh,

"Look Imran, I don't have any boyfriend fa. Banda wani saurayi wallahi. As for male friend, you are the only male friend I have. Kai kadai ne male friend ina yanzu gaskiya" she confessed.

"What?!" I blurted, totally confused.


Another update.

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