Chapter 32 - Imran

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Few weeks ago, Barirah and I paid Minal a visit. It was our final visit to Minal together.

I didn't know exactly what happened but Barirah decided to relocate to Bauchi some days later.

She didn't even tell me she was leaving until she was out of town, that was when she called and informed me that her uncle had secured a job for her in Bauchi.

I later learned that Hajiya knew about it beforehand but chose not to tell me. She was so sad about it and didn't want to talk about it.

Eventually though, she called upon me and told me Barirah left because she was heartbroken. Things didn't go as she wanted, so she left to redeem herself. "Hopefully she would meet someone better for her there" she had added.

I also hoped she ends up meeting someone better because it wasn't as if I could force myself to love her. I could only love her as a family friend.

People thought I didn't have heart, especially my friends. And some said Siyyama bewitched me, that was why I couldn't date anyone. But that wasn't it, I just didn't want to make the mistake of dating someone I won't be able to marry in the end.

Among all the girls around me, the only person I could spend the rest of my life with is Minal. She would be a good choice but from where should I even start? If I ask her out now, what would her sister think?

Talking about her sister, I heard they were coming back next month. I was actually with Minal earlier this week in my office, she came to refill her tank and decided to see me.

According to her, their father's surgery was successful. However he would be in a wheelchair for a while.

I was happy for her though, at least she would be seeing her father soon...

After work today, I went straight home and met Hajiya discussing with my dad in the sitting room. We greeted and she told me my dinner is in the warmer in case I needed it.

"Okay, thank you!" I said.

But I wasn't hungry, so I went to my room and took a warm shower before changing into a jallabiya.

After praying magrib, I waited for Isha and observed it as well before going to bed.

While on my bed, I decided to check on Barirah. I called but as usual, the call was forwarded. I shrugged and decided to retire for the night.

The following day, I was on my way to work when Minal called me. I wasn't surprised though, these days she used to check on me from time to time.

After our normal greetings, she asked if I would be at work today. "Of course, I will. In fact, I am on my way there now!" I responded.

"Okay, drive carefully" she said.

"Nagode. But any problem?" I asked out of curiosity.

"No, nothing" she said.

"Okay, toh" I terminated the call.

That was strange. Anyways, I shrugged it off and continued driving.

When I arrived at work, I spent my time going through some papers and signing them.

After that, I went out to inspect the workers. Suddenly, I spotted Sayyada dropping from a tricycle. This early morning? What is she doing here? I wondered.

She paid the tricyclist and began making her way to our premise. Seeing that, I went back into my office and waited for her.

Shortly after, one of my employees came and apprised me about her arrival. "You have a visitor, sir" he said.

"Let her come in, please!" I ordered. 

"Okay sir" he said and left.

Just then, Sayyada walked in, "AsSalama Alaykum" she greeted me smiling, "Good morning sir"

"Wa'alaikumus Salam, morning" I smiled back at her, "have a seat please" I gestured towards one of the empty swivels chairs facing me.

"Thank you" she walked over to the chair, pulled it and sat in it.

"Mind if I get you something? Like, maybe a glass of water?" I asked.

"No, I am okay. I won't even be staying long" she responded.

"Okay, so...?" I wrinkled a brow at her

"Hmm, actually I am here on Minal's behalf" she unzipped her bag and brought out an envelope, "This is from her," she extended the envelope to me.


Another update.

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