Chapter VI: Day One Pt 5

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Brena sat on the floor of the Kitchen, a bowl of Goblin Berry ice cream in her hands. Sirius Black sat next to her with his own bowl of Troll-gerine and vanilla.

"Your common room is literally right next to the Kitchens and you've never sat here eating ice cream?" Sirius asked in bewilderment. Brena shook her head as she used the spoon to mash at the green chunky ice cream. It was a basic vanilla base green with blues and reds berrys mixed into it. Looking at Sirius as he munched on the orange and vanilla swirled ice cream in thought. "If Gryffindor was down here- who am I kidding. James and I are always in the kitchens now. Remus and Peter as well. Maybe we should have been Hufflepuffs." He muttered as he took a bite of his sweet dessert.

"Hufflepuffs aren't identified as being eaters." Brena laughed, shaking her head. Sirius looked over at her with a bit of excitement. She hadn't stuttered or shied away. And her laugh- he wasn't expecting it. "Hufflepuffs are Loyal, Patient and Hardworking." She repeated the little motto in her head of the traits that she was supposedly holding.

"Don't forget nice. I don't think I've met a mean Hufflepuff." Sirius pointed out. Brena looked over at him with a raised eyebrow.

"How many Hufflepuffs do you know?" Sirius held up his hand trying to count.

"Loads- there's..." Sirius frowned as he realized he knew none. "Well there's you." He mumbled, trying again. "And Peter is like a Hufflepuff.."

"Doesn't count. Peter should've been a snake not a Hufflepuff." Brena chimed in. Sirius looked at her and laughed.

"Peter Pettigrew?? A Slytherin?!" He exclaimed in shock. "Peter is literally the sweetest guy in our group." He shook his head. Brena snorted.

"He's sweet out of fear. His personality literally screams rat." Brena laughed. Sirius looked at her a bit shocked at first when she mentioned rat. "He could sway either way when it came to the war. I personally believe he would take the Dark side if they showed favor of winning." She explained before finally taking a bite of her melted treat, grimacing at the flavor of it before putting the spoon down. "This is disgusting." She admitted. Sirius let out a laugh.

"You chose it. Should have gone with the safe choice." He told her before lifting a spoon of his orange and vanilla ice cream to his mouth. Brena looked at him before lifting her spoon up and reaching over to snag a bite of his. "Hey! Get your own!" He laughed, trying to pull his bowl away.

"Your bowl is huge- no way your going to eat it all!" Brena laughed. Sirius snorted as he looked at the bowl in his hands. She was right, he had gotten a huge bowl compared to hers. He surrendered by holding his bowl out to her. Brena smiled as she took her spoon and scooped up a decent bite before shoveling it into her mouth. Sirius laughed as the tiniest bit dripped down her chin.

"So I shared my ice cream with you- it's only fair if I learn more about you." Sirius poked as he used his thumb to wipe her chin of the cold treat. Brena watched as he licked it off his thumb with a smile. It was an intimate move- but Sirius didn't seem to notice it nor care.

"Wh-what do you want to know?" She stammered slightly, a bit off guard. Why would the famous Sirius Black want to know her? She wasn't special- at least not in anyones eyes.

"Hmm." Sirius placed his bowl on the counter next to him before getting comfier. "Do you have any siblings?" He asked. Brena froze for a moment, before nodding.

"Two. I had a sister and a brother." Sirius frowned at her wording.

"Had?" Brena looked away. It wouldn't hurt to say some stuff...right? She only had to be careful with what she said.

"My sister died when I was 13 and my brother was taken." Sirius's face turned to show sympathy before it fell into a straight face. Probably knowing Brena wouldn't want pity or anything.

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