Chapter XXVII: Day Five Pt 4

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Death is not something you mess with

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Death is not something you mess with. It's not something you could hide from. Destroy. Conquer. But sometimes- if you were lucky, you could change the direction of it. Place someone else in its course.

Brena was quiet in Transfiguration, her thoughts flooded as she tried to think of ways to adjust the things she had seen. Sirius and James sat in the front desk, snickering back and forth between each other as Remus was sat next to Peter. Brena had decided to sit back a bit, being forced to sit next to Lily Evans.

Not that Brena didn't like Lily, she just didn't understand her.

Lily Evans was upset. Clear as day. If it wasn't the exaggerated sighs coming the red headed Gryffindor, then it could have been the small sniffles that echoed into Brena's ears occasionally. It was like Lily Evans was trying to bother Brena- or trying to get her attention.

Once McGonagall had told the class to review together, Brena turned towards the girl.

"Alright, what's wrong?" Brena sighed. Lily rubbed her nose as she glanced over at Brena, not reading the look of annoyance on her face. Brena had her mind full already. Her emotions were easily on display, but Lily didn't seem to notice- or at least care if she did notice.

"It's nothing." Lily shook her head. Brena raised her eyebrow at her.

"Please- tell me what's bothering you so we can get through this." Brena urged, knowing that Lily wasn't going to stop being her dramatic self.

"Severus.... He called me a-" Lily shuddered, looking away.

"Called you a what? I'm not a mind reader, Lily." Lily nodded, turning back to Brena.

"A mudblood." She whispered the word like it was a curse on anyone who had heard. As if she was worried about cursing someone's ears off- not that the Gryffindor was capable of it.

"Okay?" Brena questioned, confused what she was getting at. Lily stared at her.

"It's a bad thing- I know you are Muggleborn like me, but no one has called you that yet??" Lily asked incredulously.

"No, I've been called it, but I don't understand why you are so bent on it." Brena told her. Her honesty showing as she scrunched her eyes a bit in thought. "I mean, its only a word. I've been called a Bitch but I'm not crying about it." Brena explained.

"Being called a-" Lily lowered her voice. "Bitch is not the same as being called a Mudblood." She told her in a low whisper harshly.

"Then explain to me how it's different." Brena urged her. Needing this conversation to be over.

"Well- it means our blood is dirty. It's not only an insult to us but to our people-"

"I'm sorry. Our people?? Are we a community now? Muggleborn Unit!" Brena snorted, shaking her head. "This isn't about unity, Lily. Blood is nothing but a fluid that keeps you alive. Just as it does for the supposed PureBloods."

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