Chapter XVIII: Day Four Pt 1

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Thursday. The day before the Full Mooon. The day that the cure was to be finished. The day of the Hufflepuff Vs. Gryffindor Quidditch match. Brena sat in her bed, already dressed in her school robes, early in the morning. Her eyes focused on the mirror as she stared at it.

"Talvi?" This was the fifth time she had spoken out towards her reflection with no answer. She could still feel her there- her sister was still there. But it was like her answering machine was full. She refused to speak. Or to show herself. It had been weird not to have her older sister to talk to. Lifting her wrist, she noticed it was breakfast time. The potion had a few hours until it was nearly done. Thankfully, she would be in the Potions classroom so she can finish it on time.

Brena stood up and grabbed her school bag, leaving the room quietly as to not wake anyone who had decided to sleep in.

"Brena!" Brena snapped her gaze up to see Greta Catchlove. She was one of the more glutinous of the Hufflepuffs. Her obsession with cheese was a lot. Most claimed she was writing a book about it. "You're literally the only one up! Wanna sit with me?" Brena looked at her confused before nodding slowly.

"Uh- sure." She nodded. Brena had only talked to Greta once or twice. When she was sorted, Greta tried to become her friend. But Brena was so closed off that Greta gave up. Greta smiled.

"Awesome! I was thinking I could show you the latest cheese conquest I came up with." She explained as she weaved her arm with Brena's and led her out of the common room and to the Great Hall.

Brena sat across from Greta at the Hufflepuff table

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Brena sat across from Greta at the Hufflepuff table. Pushing her food around as Greta went on and on about the new cheese she was trying. Brena didn't like cheese, so she only listened with a nod of the head here and there.The food on her plate mostly there to be pushed. Brena never really got her appetite back. Living with Greyback, she didn't get fed often and when she did- she would obviously give it to Phineas.

Sure, she could have all she wanted while in Hogwarts. But her stomach refused it. So eating a small bit here and there was the best she could do.

Brena's eyes focused on something past Greta. Noticing Regulus send her a look as he left the Great Hall way before classes start.

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