Chapter XLII: Summer; And we will Fall

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Brena smiled at Sirius as she ate her sandwich

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Brena smiled at Sirius as she ate her sandwich. They were currently at a small muggle café a ways away from the Potter's home. The motorbike parked on the side of the street safely. She currently had a turkey melt with fries, which Sirius kept calling chips.

"This-" Brena picked up a French fry, thin and shoestring type. "-is a French fry." Brena told him sternly, causing Sirius to chuckle, shaking his head at her. "A chip is a thin slice of potato fried."

"Those aren't even French. Belgium created them." Sirius told her in a matter of fact tone. Brena snorted at his tone, thinking he had won.

"What language do they speak in Belgium?" Sirius looked to be thoughtful before he smirked.

"Dutch and German." Brena raised her eyebrows at him, urging him to go on. With a sigh, Sirius mumbled. "French."

"Fries were made in the Northern part of Belgium where the main language is French." Brena explained before plopping a fry into her mouth. Sirius laughed, reaching over and stealing a fry.

"Most people wouldn't know something like that." He admitted. Brena raised her brow at him, curiously.

"Are you calling me most people?" She questioned teasingly.

"Definitely not." Sirius responded quickly. Brena smiled before pushing her plate away. Sirius looked down and saw she only ate about half of her food altogether and it wasn't even a whole lot. "Why don't you eat more?"

"I wasn't given much when I was with Greyback." Brena mumbled, her gaze being averted. "So I always kept my appetite small. Made it easier." She shrugged. Sirius frowned, nodding.

"Hmm, Well what do you want to do now then? I've got you all day. Mia and Monty aren't expecting us back until late." He winked before finishing off his sandwich.

"Well.. Maybe the beach?" Brena offered. Sirius grinned.

"Are you wanting to skinny dip with me? We didn't pack for the beach." He questioned teasingly, leaning on his elbows on the table towards her. Brena leaned towards him in return.

"You would like that, wouldn't you?" She reared back. Sirius let out a chuckle before clapping his hands together.

"Alright! Let's go. I'll go pay real quick."

Riding on the back of the motorbike was so thrilling for her

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Riding on the back of the motorbike was so thrilling for her. Her arms wrapped tightly around Sirius as he took them to the sky. Her hat held tightly in one of her hands so it didn't fly off her head. Her stomach jumping from the thrill as Sirius took them over the ocean. The smell of the salt water filling her nose as he seemed to keep going as if he had a destination in mind.

What Brena did not expect was the place Sirius took them to was Wales. Sirius landed at the end of a cliff that held a castle looking building. The cliff overlooked the great ocean in front of them. It was beautiful. And with the sun being in the horizon since it was nearly evening just made the view just that much better.

"What do you think?" Sirius asked as he got off the bike and held his hand out to help her. Brena smiled towards him.

"It's gorgeous. Have you been here before?" Sirius shook his head, holding her hand as he led her away from the bike and towards the castle. It looked to be abandoned and parts were starting to crumble.

"I've never been really anywhere other than maybe France, but that is only from my family taking trips." Brena looked at him, nodding.

"The Black's originated from France, didn't they?" Sirius nodded, biting at his lip. Brena sighed. Looking out to the ocean. "Do you think it will get better from here?"

"Can't get any worse right?" Sirius asked in return. Brena snorted.

"Apparently you can't see the future." She joked. Sirius glanced over at her before smiling sadly.

"With you by our side, I don't think I'd be afraid of falling off this cliff right now, let alone some future I can't see." Brena felt the butterfly's fluttering in her stomach at his words before she looked over at him. Brena stepped away from him, walking closer to the edge of the cliff and looking over it. A small smirk plastered across her face as she noticed the ocean being at the bottom of it. Glancing back up to Sirius who was looking at her in confusion.

"Wanna test that?" She asked, shaking her cardigan off and tossing her hat and sunglasses to the side. Sirius raised his eyebrows as she began to wiggle her shorts off.

"What are you doing?" He questioned, his eyes watching her hands pull her sleeveless top off, leaving her in her black bra and panties.

"Seeing how much of a Gryffindor you really are." She teased before stepping up to the edge. Sirius jerked forward in a slight panic as he saw what she was about to do.

"Brena!" He exclaimed in fear as she leaned over a bit.

"Come on, Sirius. Fall with me." With that, Brena threw her body off the cliff and let herself fall. Sirius felt panic as he didn't think twice about it and kicked his boots off before diving after her. Not even bothering to undress himself. His splash following Brena's. Safely into the ocean.

"You are fucking insane!" Sirius cursed as Brena and him both resurfaced about a foot apart. He swam over to her quickly, wrapping his arms around her. "What if you hit a rock or something?!" He scolded her. Brena laughed, as she pushed her wet hair out of her face and looked at the panicked Gryffindor in front of her.

"And yet you dived right in after me."

"Of course I did! Why wouldn't I? I love you too much to let you die alone!" Brena raised her eyebrow at him as she kept her legs kicking so she was relying on Sirius to keep them both afloat.

"You love me?" She questioned. Sirius froze, not having realized he had said that.

"I-well no- uh yeah-" He stopped his rambling to run his hand over his face and letting out a sigh. "Maybe." He concluded. Brena smiled at him before leaning in and pressing her lips to his quickly. A quick peck, backing away before he could even process it.

"I think I love you too." She mumbled back. Her feelings for the three boys was still a toss up. She had strong feelings for Regulus and Sirius. But she didn't completely understand them enough to be a hundred percent. So saying she thinks she did was as good as she could do to prevent him from feeling embarrassment.

"You do?" Sirius questioned before Brena nodded slowly. "You do." He repeated again in more a statement. A large grin spreading across his face before he leaned in and captured her lips with his. Brena moved her hand up to his shoulder, tilting her face with his. Lips moving together as the waves moved around them.

 Lips moving together as the waves moved around them

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A/N: So there obviously will be a part three.

Think Sirius showed he was a true Gryffindor?


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