XLIX: Summer; Thunderstorms

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The day was going beautifully

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The day was going beautifully. Sirius ended up throwing up after demanding to ride the swings right after eating. The swings that went feet into the sky and spun you around in the air. James and Brena respectably sat this one out. Both knowing they had ate way too much to try that.

That was when they had decided on doing some of the game booths for now. At least until their stomachs relaxed a bit. James and Sirius made it a huge competition to see who could win the most games. Brena stood back and watched as they tried their hand at the slingshot. The goal of the game was to use the slingshot to shot a beanbag at a stack of cans. Brena stood back and watched with a small smirk on her lips. This was her territory. Her and Talvi were boss at the games at Fairs and Carnivals.

Sirius tried first. Claiming the oldest got first try's. James snorted at that and made a joke by calling him grandpa. Sirius first shot missed. Second shot, he knocked the top can off. Third shot, the bean bag landed right in front of the base of the cans.

"This is Rigged!" Sirius exclaimed, upset. James and Brena laughed before James stepped up to take his try. His shots were better than Sirius, but only knocking two cans off really made a hit to his ego. Brena snorted at his agreement with Sirius, which only made the two boy look to her.

"Think you can do better, Brennie-Bear?" James questioned with a raised eyebrow. Brena snapped her gaze to him at the nickname.

"First of all, don't call me that." She shut him down. James frowned. "And no. I think I can wipe the floor with you two." Sirius laughed, holding his hands up and encouraging her to step forward. Brena stepped forward as James placed down a few bucks to get a new game going for her. The man in charge of the booth shook his head before resetting the cans. "Wait- so what do I get if I win?" Brena questioned, looking between James and Sirius.

"Like you think you will win." James laughed. But Sirius looked intrigued. Leaning down to press his lips to Brena's ear to whisper in her ear. An instant blush rushed up her neck before spreading across her cheeks like a rash.

"Really?" She questioned, glancing over at him. Sirius looked to James before nodding.

"Wait! What?? What did you tell her?" James asked, not enjoying that he was left out. Sirius just smirked before before Brena grabbed the first Bean bag. She looked at the cans. Laying her eyes at the middle can. She had to throw it just right. Not too forceful. That's where everyone always made the mistake. It was more about precision than strength.

"Come on, Little Raven. Prove us wrong." Sirius encouraged into her ear. Brena shrugged her shoulder to make him back up. With one good practice movement of her arm, she threw the bag underhanded. The bean bag went straight to the center can and pushed it out from the pyramid and off the table. The rest of the cans fell like a domino effect. James stared at the stand with his mouth slightly lowered. Shock in him showing. Sirius snorted, like he knew Brena could do it. He had little to no doubt in her abilities at all.

"What stuff animal would you like?" The game booth guy asked, clearly not amused at Brena winning the game with one throw.

"The dog!" Sirius pushed, having the guy grab the dog plushie and handing it over to Brena. She looked over at Sirius, unimpressed that he demanded her get the dog. "What? It's so you can cuddle with me even when I'm not around." Sirius shrugged causing James to huff.

"Why couldn't they have a deer? Deer are better anyway. More majestic." James ranted, grabbing Brena's hand and pulling her to follow him and leave Sirius behind. Sirius frowned before jogging up to join them, tossing his arm over Brena's shoulder.

"So, you won." Sirius pointed out as they walked. Brena blushed, averting her eyes to the ground in a shy manner. James stopped and looked at the two of them.

"What did you bet on, Pads?" Sirius looked to his friend, grinning. Opening his mouth to speak when thunder rumbled before a bolt of lightening struck in the background.

"Holy shit!" Sirius jumped, looking behind him to see the thunder clouds rumbling in above them before rain poured down. Brena let out a laugh as she looked up at the sky as the rain poured down on the group. James pulled her hand before he urged them to run back to the parking lot. The car waiting for them as Sirius jumped into the driver seat and James helped Brena into the back seat with him. "I am not a chauffeur!" Sirius huffed as he looked behind him to see the two sitting together.

"No, if you were you wouldn't get so sassy with us." James joked.

"Now drive!" Brena joined in on the teasing. Sirius sent her a narrowed look, challenging her. "Please." She added sweetly, leaning forward and pressing her lips to Sirius' cheek. He grinned before facing forward and starting the car.

"We can't go home- where should we go?" James voiced. he had told his parents he would have them out all day. He had given his parents a free date night for themselves. Something he had thought they needed as well. Sirius looked in the rear view mirror at his friend before nodding.

"I got this." He mumbled, driving them out of the parking lot. Brena sat, looking out the window when she felt James move closer to her.

"You must be cold, we can huddle together to conserve body heat." He suggested playfully. Brena snorted, shoving him away as Sirius reached over and turned the heat on.

"Or I could just use the heat in the car." Sirius pointed out, earning a glare from James.

"The chauffeur isn't supposed to speak." James pushed back. Sirius barked out a laugh.

"Whatever you say." He responded before putting his eyes back on the road. Brena rolled her eyes at the two of them, keeping her eyes on the window as another bolt of lightening struck.

"Pull over here." Brena told Sirius as he was driving near the woods. James and Sirius looked over at her, confused. "Just do it!"  Sirius did as he was told, pulling over on the side of the road only for Brena to open the door and stepped out.

"Bren, It's down pouring!" James argued as he climbed out of the car with Sirius. Brena twirled in circles in the rain. Her arms held out as she did so. Sirius was smiling as he watched her. "What are you doing?" James questioned, enjoying seeing her like this, but still confused.

"It's perfect!" Brena exclaimed as she turned to face the boys. "The weather is perfect."

"Is she crazy?" James voiced as he leaned towards Sirius.

"Definitely not." Sirius chimed as he jogged over to join Brena, twirling her around and laughing.

"Come on James!! Wash the negativity off and join us!" Brena cheered. She was soaked to the bone along with Sirius. James laughed, shaking his head at the two before running out to join them. There three dancing in the rain together. Twirling and twisting.

A/n: Part two is UPPPPPP

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A/n: Part two is UPPPPPP. Now It's time for a nap. Next chapter will be.....something. :)




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