Chapter LXXI: Difference between Distrust and Dislike

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Days turned into weeks- James and Sirius were furious that the room had been destroyed

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Days turned into weeks- James and Sirius were furious that the room had been destroyed. Remus and Peter had come to help clean it back up, using mostly magic of course. The school year started back up without another peep from who ever had broken in. Sirius and James were both on board with urging Brena to destroy the horcruxes as soon as possible. Worried that it would end in her being killed over it if she left it as is.

The new year came and went as graduation came closer and closer. Brena received a letter to meet. One she almost refused but decided against it. So once the boys had all been stuck in class, Brena made her way into Hogwarts.

"Ms. Willard. I almost didn't think you would agree to meet." Albus Dumbledore said as Brena walked into his office without a knock or greeting. She moved to the chair in front of his desk and plopped her nearly four month pregnant self into it. She was still nearly flat on her stomach, but the amount of food she had been enjoying had made her develop a slight bump. Not noticeable under her baggy shirts. "How are you feeling?"

Brena looked up to meet the mans twinkling eyes. Her own eyes looking tired as bags burned underneath them, displaying how much weight had been pulling on her shoulders.

"Tired." She spoke finally, nothing but honesty in her voice. "I'm tired, Albus." Albus frowned just the slightest before nodding.

"I see. I'm sorry- I know you do not particularly like me-"

"I don't dislike you, Albus. I don't trust you. There is a difference." Brena mumbled with a slight hand wave. Dumbledore let out a chuckle, nodding.

"Ah, but I believe Distrust and Dislike go hand in hand, do they not?" He didn't wait for her to respond to him before he continued. "I wish you would have trusted me enough to at least tell me the situation you have been placed in. You're dying." Brena's eyebrow raised slightly at his point.

"And? Are you saying you have a solution for my uncertain death? A way to save a dying mother? Is there a point to this? Maybe to prevent the prophecy of happening? Every vision I have had has had Harry being James and Lily's. If I live..what does that make that?" Albus seems to develop a brighter twinkle in his eye at this information. Maybe he hadn't known that?

"Have you had a vision as of late of the prophecy, Brena? Or have you been concentrating far to hard on your brother?"

"The brother you promised you would help me save? No. I haven't been receiving any new visions. Only flashes of the old. Maybe a part of my dying? Or maybe from the pregnancy, who knows." She shrugged. Albus leaned forward slightly.

"Brena..." That's the second time he had called her by her first name. Did he think they were friends? Equals? Brena scoffed at the thought. "I have a way to save you."

Brena left Dumbledore's office feeling a bit lighter than she had before

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Brena left Dumbledore's office feeling a bit lighter than she had before. He had found a possible way to save her. She may be able to live a long and happy life raising her child to be better than she was. Her walk to leave the school was disrupted by a hand grabbing her wrist before yanking her into a cupboard.

"If you wanted to get me alone in a cupboard, all you had to do was owl me." Brena said calmly as her kidnapper shoved their hand on her mouth and shushed her. Footsteps came close to the cupboard before pausing. Someone had been following Brena. Chasing her. Brena held her breath for a moment until the footsteps retreated. Her kidnapper releasing her mouth before turning on her.

"Are you insane?!" Narcissa Malfoy snapped. Anger and worry flickering through her eyes. "There are so many deatheaters in this school with the order to take you from here. To bring you know who. And you just walk around here like you don't care if they get you!" The Slytherin girl looked over Brena before pausing. "And you are pregnant- Oh my god, what the hell is wrong with you!?"

"I had just gone to meet with Dumbledore, I didn't think someone would try much here-" Narcissa offered her a raised brow.

"Did you forget that Bella had cursed you along with her friends last year? Or did you forget that no where is safe for you?" She sighed, leaning against the wall across from Brena as she took in a deep breath to relax. "He knows." Brena snapped her head up to meet her gaze. The Slytherin looked conflicted as ever.

"Does he suspect you?" Was the only question Brena worried about asking. Narcissa shook her head slowly.

"He believes Regulus had told you what he knew- thought maybe he was a better spy than he actually was." She let out a small laugh, shaking her head. "More credit than he deserves, Boy didn't last long at all." Brena smiled at the girl she felt some trust with.

"Thank you, Narcissa. I don't think I can ever thank you enough for everything you have risked for me already." Brena told her. Narcissa only nodded.

"Just tell me you have a plan to end this soon.. It has to end.." Brena nodded to agree with her.

"The plan with take place soon... Somethings need to take place before hand though."

"Like having a child..." Narcissa said before a smile skitter across her lips. "I told you that you were expecting." Brena bit her lip holding in her small laugh.

"Yeah well, can't blame me for not believing it. Did you believe it when I told you that you would birth a baby??"

"That's different. I have been told I can't have children. You have not, have you?" Narcissa questioned back.

"I haven't. Just assumed- And besides, you can have a kid. You will." Brena smiled at her before letting out a short laugh. "A little shit." Narcissa threw an empty bottle in her direction which Brena dodged.

"Don't say that!" Narcissa laughed. They both laughed for a minute before sighing. "It will get better...won't it?" Brena frowned.

"We can only hope."

A/N: Simple update

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A/N: Simple update.

Whats the plan?

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