Chapter LIX: Black by Blood

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The Marauders were not pleased to be left out of Brena's planning to say the least

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The Marauders were not pleased to be left out of Brena's planning to say the least. They all knew she was going after a horcrux, and on her own. But when she batted her eyelashes at James when asking for the cloak of invisibility and the Map, he couldn't say no.

Reggie and Sirius couldn't even blame the overly energetic Gryffindor, for they would have given in as well.

But the moment they found out that Severus was the one she had helping her- Sirius was not happy. But that didn't stop her from sneaking into the castle in the middle of the day while the others were in their classes.

Severus was waiting impatiently in the library with Narcissa Malfoy, who was a bit confused on why the greasy haired boy had requested her help in charms when he was an outstanding student on his own.

"I'll be right back." Severus muttered as a small touch brushed along the back of his neck, alerting him that Brena was there. The moment he had left the area, she discarded the cloak from over her head and caused a squeak to leave Narcissa's mouth.

"What are you doing here?! Are you crazy??" She demanded, instantly grabbing her things to leave. Brena stopped her, grabbing her hand with a pleading look.

"Narcissa...please." Brena whispered, earning a furrow of the brow from the newly turned Malfoy. "I need your help."

"My help?? You really are crazy- Don't you realize who I am?? What I am?!" Brena gripped her wrist tightly, turning it before moving her sleeve up to reveal a blank patch of skin.

"I know exactly who you are. Narcissa Malfoy- but you are a Black by blood. And Black's aren't all evil." Brena pointed out.

"You would know." She scoffed, trying to pull her arm back. Brena released her.

"I need your help, Narcissa..." Brena repeated herself. Her dark eyes meeting the Slytherins. "If you help could save your future family."

"My future family?" Narcissa froze, her eyes searching the Hufflepuff's. "I can't have kids." She admitted, trying to prove that Brena knew nothing. But the Hufflepuff shook her head at her.

"You and Lucius will have a boy...born the same year as the boy who is to defeat Voldemort." Narcissa flinched at the name, but kept her eyes wide and glassy on the young witch in front of her. "He will fall in the shadows. Be forced into the darkness of evil because of your families followings... forced to kill and break who he really is.."

"You're lying.." Narcissa forced, a small cry left her lips. "I-I can't-"

"You can." Brena repeated firmly. Narcissa lets out a gasping sob before letting Brena grab her hand gently. "We can stop it though. You're not aligned with him. He can't use you. He won't know. Your boy can grow happy and healthy."

"I- they are watching... if they find out I even spoke to you- let alone helped you.."

"They won't know." Brena told her sternly.

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