Chapter XIX: Day Four pt 2

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Brena was smiling as she sat through Potions class

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Brena was smiling as she sat through Potions class. The smile was subtle, so you had to really look at her to see it. Regulus sat next to her with a ghost of a smile. But to anyone else he was blank faced as always. They were currently working on their end of the year pre quiz. Every class was preparing them for the end of the year test. Or better known as the O.W.Ls. All of the Fifth years had to take them. While the Sixth years were still preparing for their N.E.W.Ts for their Seventh year.

So Brena was the lucky one. She got to prepare to take the O.W.Ls and study for her N.E.W.Ts for some other classes. Sure she could just not worry about it since she wasn't planning on staying. But she craved the knowledge. Brena thought it was because of Talvi's soul magic. It was the magic of a Ravenclaw essentially.

Regulus glanced over at Brena in the corner of his eye. Watching her write down the answers to her test with a muggle pen. It was weird, but he liked the little quirks she had. His eyes returned to his quiz. Honestly the test was too easy for the both of them. Regulus was extremely good at Potions. Brena enjoyed cooking which was really similar to Potions.

Brena chewed on her bottom lip as she finished writing the last answer to her test. Standing up and carrying the packet to Slughorn's desk with a small smile.

"Done already, Ms. Willard?? You continue to amaze me." Slughorn praised as he took the packet from her. "You're excused from the rest of class if you wish. I'm sure I'll see you soon for your potion." She nodded, walking back to her desk and grabbing her bag. Her eyes trailed to Regulus as he was finishing up his test a little quicker. Chewing on her lip, she smiled at him before walking out of the classroom.

Brena walked for a bit before finding a little alcove to sit in and work on her notebook. Chewing on the end of her pen as she looked out the window in thought. She didn't know how long she sat there thinking. Writing some thoughts down here and there. Adding to the administration of the potion for the cure. It was a bit more complicated than just drinking it.

"You look beautiful when you are trying to cure Lycanthropy." Regulus spoke up as he stood in front of the alcove. Brena snapped her head up to see the tall Slytherin looking at her.

"Oh do I?" Brena smiled at him as she placed her pen down in her notebook. Regulus smiled at her, taking her bag before moving to walk away. "Hey! Wait! Where are you going?" She asked as she got up and ran after him. Regulus smirked as he held her bag away from her as she reached for it.

"I thought we could spend our free time doing something more....productive." He said calmly. The smirk on his face twitching slightly as Brena looked at him with wide eyes.

"Productive as in snog in a broom closet?" She questioned. Regulus shrugged as he walked.

"Snog- shag... experiment. It could be extremely educational." He murmured causing Brena to snort.

"I never took you for being nerdy." Regulus froze mid step and looked down at her. Brena stopped when she saw him stop, confused.

"I am not a nerd." He spoke slowly with a small glare. Brena laughed.

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