Chapter XXIV: Day Five Pt 1

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James laid in the Hufflepuffs bed in shock

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James laid in the Hufflepuffs bed in shock. Had he really just been with Brena? Had he really not felt an ounce of guilt for doing it when he liked Lily? Liked... He didn't love Lily. He didn't know Lily Evans. He didn't know her favorite color- Brena's was Lilac. Did Lily even like Lilies? James had no idea. But Brena did like the flower shrub of Lilacs- which made it easier to remember since it was her favorite color.

What was Lily's favorite food? He had no idea. But he knew he loved Thanksgiving even more now that he could look forward to the leftovers. Brena could cook. James wondered what kind of foods she knew how to cook. Maybe she knew how to make Meatloaf- or rotisserie Chicken. Perhaps she could make stew or dumplings..

James' stomach grumbled at the thought of food. Brena's sleeping body moved closer to him, her head on his chest as she hummed in her sleep. He looked down at her, smiling. His fingers carding through her dark messy curls. Her hair was so soft- his fingers never getting caught on any tangles. Her makeup from last night was messy- but she somehow still looked beautiful.

Brena's body was loosely covered by James' shirt, a last second choice they had made before falling asleep. He enjoyed seeing her in his shirt and could only wish she would walk around in it. Make his boasting easier in front of Sirius and Regulus. James cringed at the thought of the two Black brothers being with her as well. Sure, he didn't mind sharing a girl with Sirius- they had talked about it at one point in case the opportunity ever came up. But Regulus...

James didn't understand the young Black brother. He obviously hated James. And not just because of House differentiation. But he could not think of a time that he had pranked or been rude to the boy.

He sighed, leaning down and pressing a long kiss to Brena's hair. Embracing the scent of nature that seemed to cling to her.

"How long have you been awake?" Brena questioned before stretching her back a bit, pushing her chest against him in the process. James smiled down at her.

"Only a few minutes." He responded, not wanting to come off creepy since he was so lost in thought as he stared at her.

"So you stared at me in your sleep?" James frowned before moving his hand to her side, moving his fingers quickly into her skin and causing her to squeal.

"So you're been up this whole time??" James laughed, stopping his tickle attack. Brena opened her eyes and looked up at him.

"Only a few minutes." Brena mocked, squealing and trying to roll away as his fingers went back to wiggling against her sides. "James!!" Brena laughed, finally rolling to the side of the bed and to the floor. James looked over the side of the bed to see Brena was gone.

"What the-" Brena had rolled under the bed and the moment James set his foot onto the floor to go look for her, she grabbed his ankle. A feminine scream left his lips before jumping back on the bed in alarm. "That is NOT funny!!" James exclaimed as Brena sat up, laughing so hard tears were escaping her eyes.

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