Chapter L: Summer; Macarism

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The group of teenagers got back into the car, sopping wet and laughing

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The group of teenagers got back into the car, sopping wet and laughing.  The rain had lightened up tremendously and it was getting late. James was the first to declare he was hungry, which is what had brought the group back to the car. But they were laughing because Sirius slid in mud puddle and fell face first into the mud.

"Just imagine, Sirius. People pay a lot of money for a nice mud mask." Brena joked as Sirius tore his shirt off and began to clean his face off the best he could. He peeked past his shirt at Brena who had stopped laughing and was staring at his chest.

"Want to take a picture?" Sirius teased, seeing his opportunity and snatching it up. "Or would you prefer to have a feel?" James snorted as he glanced to Brena, spotting the blush she was sporting.

"I don't know, Pads. I think she wants to do more than have a feel." James spoke up. Brena pulled her gaze away, looking down at the floor of the passenger seat. "Look at that, Padfoot. Our raven is flustered."

"So home then?" Sirius questioned with a smirk. He glanced over at Brena before reaching over her. His face leaning close to her face. So close she could smell the apple chips he ate before they left the Carnival. His stormy eyes that matched the sky's right now staring into her dark brown eyes. "Seatbelt, love." He whispered as he pulled the seatbelt around her and buckled her in. Brena held her breath as he stayed there for a moment, staring at her before pulling back and stating the car up. A smirk on his face.

 Brena got out of the car after they had parked

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Brena got out of the car after they had parked. Her clothes uncomfortably stuck to her body. Sirius had stayed shirtless, not bothering to put the wet muddy shirt back on. James on the other hand had his shirt sticking tightly to his body. But he didn't seem uncomfortable. He seemed to be flaunting his form by making sure Brena was looking his way.  You would almost think he was jealous of her glancing at Sirius so often.

Brena was looking at James though. Her eyes following the slight muscle to his lean body that was on display from his soaked clothes. Sirius noticed though. A smirk on his face as he opened the door to the house for the trio.

"You're parents aren't home?" Brena question in confusion at the silent dark house.

"They went out. Something about needing to revive the marriage." James mumbled as he tore his shirt over his head. "They won't be home until late." Brena nodded as she stole a glance at his chest, before catching a smirk from Sirius. Which told her she was busted.

"I'm just going to go dry off." Brena spoke with a bit of a high pitch squeak to her voice. Showing she was nervous. James looked over at her, raising his eyebrow at her.

"You okay? Not cold, right?" She shook her head hastily.

"Just uncomfortable." She told him, before quickly adding, "From being wet- I mean my clothes are- are wet." Sirius sniggered behind his friend as Brena shook her head before rushing up the stairs to her room. Brena could hear them talking as she closed her bedroom door. Letting out a sigh of relief before she began to peel her long sleeve off, leaving her in her black bra.

She moved over to the dresser where a brush sat and began to brush out her slightly damped hair. The rain was dreadful to her wavy hair- leaving it in tangles and a bit frizzy. Brena sighed before moving to braid the hair to the side to get it out of her face before she heard a shout and footsteps running up the stairs. Her door opened quickly, bouncing off the wall as James stood there.

"You won the bet!" James exclaimed in surprise. Brena flushed before furrowing her eyebrows at him.

"I did..?" She added the questioning tone, confused what he was trying to get at. But then she saw his eyes lower to her chest slowly. "Oh." She said before pulling her bottom lip in between her teeth.

"Yeah... Oh." James breathed before making long strides in her direction. His hand reached out to the back of her head before he pulled her in and his lips collided with hers. Brena froze up for a moment as James only held her to his lips. The second her mind cleared a bit and she leaned into his hold, her lips began to move with his. James moved his other hand to her waist, pulling her into him as the hand on the back of her head moved to cup her cheek.

Brena jerked forward slightly when she felt lips on her neck. Sirius standing behind her with a smirk playing on his lips. From there, everything moved along quickly. Brena released gasps as hands moved along her body. Discarding clothes and leaning her head back as lips explored her. It was like the first time all over again- but with two.

Moans and panting breaths filled the room. Everything seemed to have left the three minds as nothing else mattered but the moment they were living in. James and Sirius both completely focused on Brena. Eyes on her. Mouths on her. Hands- she was the center of their world at this very moment and the only thing that mattered was her.

By the end of the night, Brena was sandwiched between the two men in her bed. Not a negative thought in her mind as she fell asleep peacefully and relaxed. Just as she should.

A/N: So as I was getting ready to write this, I had completely had in my mind to write it out

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A/N: So as I was getting ready to write this, I had completely had in my mind to write it out. But then I felt super uncomfortable with writing a threesome between minors which I forgot about. So this is how I decided to write it. I might try it again further along once they are all at least 17 or older. Brena turns 16 soon and so does Regulus. James turns 17 near the end of 7th year and Sirius is 17 before Christmas.

But yeah, sorry. I hope you all understand. I hope to make it right later on. But if you want smut, I do have many other smut filled stories that are left and right with smut. So feel free to check those out!

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