Chapter LXXVI: Horcrux

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Silence filled the room

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Silence filled the room. Dread flooding through out it and making it suffocating. Tom turned back around with a smug look on his face as he examined Brena's face. The lump in her throat was threatening to come out as either vomit or another scream. Her heart plummeting to her feet as she stared at the body.

"Now, darling. What do you have that can become a horcrux?" Tom questioned, not showing any sigh of the death affecting him. What should he? It wasn't much of anything to him.

"I-" Brena tried, tears filling her eyes as she kept her eyes off of the dead body. "I didn't do-do this." Tom shook his head.

"And I didn't technically kill my first horcrux. A basilisk did." Tom looked over Brena before spotting the engagement ring on her hand. "Ah!" He stepped towards her once more, grabbing her hand. Brena had no fight in her as she tried to keep her composure. A small tug and the ring was in Tom's hands. "Perfect."

"Why haven't we heard anything yet?" James voiced as he paced the room

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"Why haven't we heard anything yet?" James voiced as he paced the room. The boys were currently all in the Room of Requirement like they were told to be. It was the safest room to catch fire. "We should have received the signal by now." He added, running his hands through his already messy head of hair.

"Maybe it was delayed." Sirius muttered holding his wand. He was set to be the designated fire starter. His eyes focused on the end of the wand, awaiting to cast the difficult spell. Anything to keep his mind off the impending doom of dread that was trying to overwhelm him.

"You need to calm down. Everything is fine." Remus chipped in, standing guard. James turned around to face his friends.

"I'm going there. Something's wrong. She needs us." James said as he took out his wand. Regulus stood up from his spot in the room moving quick to grab James' wrist.

"Stop." He told James sternly. "She'll be okay."

"It's an hour and a half past the set time. She's not okay." James snapped back, yanking his hand free from the boy. "Malfoy should have already sent a patronus by now."

"This is ridiculous, I agree with Prongs. We need to go there and get her." Sirius said, jumping out of his seat.

"We can't just go barging in the-" Regulus started before a bird patronus flew into the room through the door.

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