chapter fifty four

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I woke up due to the torturing sunlight hitting my face but thankfully I was covered in an emerald green blanket and my back felt stiff

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I woke up due to the torturing sunlight hitting my face but thankfully I was covered in an emerald green blanket and my back felt stiff.

I sat up abruptly, my eyes were widening as I took in my surroundings. I was alone in Jungwon's bedroom and if you were going to ask what his room looks like, well, it's the same as the rest, in a marvellous gothic theme.

Oops.. Why am I even here? Yeah, I must've fallen asleep as well on our last meeting yesterday and he was nice enough to bring me into a bed. Why here though? He could always bring me into mine.

What do I do?

First, I have to get out of this room.

I got off the bed hurriedly in order to rush to my room without anyone seeing me. I just wish there was no one in the hallway or else I will be causing such ruckus in this secret room especially if it's going to be Ni-ki who stumbled on my way.

I exited Jungwon's room, sneaking out like some kind of a criminal undercover. To my relief, there wasn't anyone outside. Once I was in my room, I ran into the bathroom to clear my mind of the little stress I got from thinking over my connections to Jungwon.

Who knew the boy who once scared me to death is my soulmate?

Now I will have to face him everyday with the knowledge following me and for a time, I forgot who I really like. Which made it more confusing. So many things were running on my mind lately, I haven't been thinking much about the state of my heart.

Well, now I can't do anything about it, can I? It's better I act normal for now and let's see what they will do next.

I headed to the main room once I was ready in the Decelis uniform they insisted me to wear. I will just research something about the vampires again in the library.

When the walls was sliding out to let me see the room waiting for me, I was surprised to find everyone in there. From the vampires to the magical idols and even the werewolves are there. They even managed to placed a long oval table in the middle, making it seemed like a conference meeting.

They were all seated in a chair, facing the Headmaster in the head of the table and were busy discussing something. I wonder what? I wonder why. Well, I am not a very nosy person.

"We have to find the main mastermind of the attack in the ball before it caused more of my students getting abducted", the Headmaster said, sipping leisurely on his cup of coffee.

"Yes, we can't risk the hybrids attacking some of the neighboring towns here", Seokjin agreed.

Khan who's sitting beside Nicholas also offered his opinion, "We'll help as it would also be connected to us and people will quickly get to the wrong conclusion when it's not our work"

"Apart from that, Daniel told me the woman who did this to him were after us and we can't let that happen. What if she goes next for Y/N?", Jungwon says from his seat with a serious look.

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