11.4 AMCS -part4

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Arnav had started working with her babuji and had formed a cute bond of friendship with Khushi. Not just her, her entire family had been welcoming of him when she said that he was lonely in the city. So, occasional dinner invitations had become a norm in past week. The only challenge was 'work' part. The Arnav Singh Raizada, heir to Raizada empire was never used to working like this, selling books, keeping accounts etc. But here he was, working as a mere servant in her babuji's shop. However, something in that place had kept him going. Or rather someone. Khushi.

They had talked so much in last few days, mostly her talking, him listening, but still. And he had got to know so much about her. Like she liked fashion, she liked designing dresses. In fact, she had shared a few of her designs with him and he was awed,

*flashback from 2 days ago*

It was one such evening when he had recited his recent poem named 'Sapne ka safar' ('Journey of a dream)' and she had liked it so much. He reveled in her praise. and then she showed him her 'Joy book'.

"Sahilji, now that you have shared your poetry with me, it's time I share my 'Khushi ki kitab(Joy book)' with you."

and he was amazed when he saw it. She was freaking awesome!!! He was the one who studied fashion, but she was expert one! And as far as he knew, without having a fashion degree. When he asked her the reason, she changed the topic saying something like she liked pursuing literary arts more. He sometimes wondered if they had swapped houses, she aced in fashion and he in literature, but they had opposite degrees. It was like she was the heir(ess) his parents probably wanted; she would take AR to new heights!

"And there is one special design which my Maa had started, and I am completing it. But it's not done yet. You know, it will be my special design". she said holding the book affectionately without realizing she mentioned her birthmother, instead of Garima whom she called Amma.

"Maa as in? Garima aunty? you call her Amma no? and she too designs dresses?" Arnav asked oblivious to her having a stepmother.

"No, I meant-er-nothing." she decided against sharing it, probably she was not ready yet, and got up "I need to leave now, it's getting late." saying so she left and Arnav shook his head over her antics.

*end of flashback*


In the two weeks he worked there, Arnav had also started noticing differences between his family and khushi's family's thinking. On one had his father looked down upon people less privileged than them while on the other hand khushi's family turned even kinder knowing Arnav/Sahil was less privileged than them.

He was still in these thoughts when he reached Gupta house from the bookshop that evening. Like many times, he was invited for dinner. But the conversation he heard at their doorsteps, had him stunned. Khushi's amma was talking with their neighbor whom he identified as one Vimla aunty.

"Ae Garima, we heard you are looking for alliances for your daughters? Pehle apni beti Preeto ke liye dekhna baad me sauteli ke liye thik hai? (first, look for your own daughter Preeto then your stepdaughter ok?)" the neighbor's comment and Garima's silence on it made Arnav shocked. Khushi had a stepmother? He had never expected this. Garima aunty seemed so loving and caring towards her, in fact Khushi too had same love for her Amma.

Truth be told, Garima DID love khushi like a mother, BUT the difference of 'like a mother' and 'as a mother' was always there. Maybe subtly, but evident. In all these years, she did outdo herself in showering her love on khushi but if she was being honest with herself, she knew she was partial more than once. Like, on festivals, she always preferred to make the sweets that Preeto liked and then she would ask Khushi to make jalebis telling she makes them best. Khushi happily did.
When it came to college admission, she sent Preeto to a good commerce college but Khushi had to let go her chance of studying fashion designing as her the college was in other state. In reality, Garima was hesitant to spend so much money on Khushi's college and hostel. Khushi easily agreed to do arts in Delhi itself and convinced Shashank that too. Sometimes Garima wondered if Khushi knew all of this, but then her happy nature never made anything evident and Garima convinced herself that she wasn't as bad as she was thinking about herself.

But now that it came to marriage, she was worried. She knew Khushi was prettier amongst the two girls; had a sweet nature; could win anyone's heart. So, there would be no dearth of boys for Khushi. But Preeto lacked in that. The only good thing was, Preeto had a job now at AR. And now, there was an alliance who was willing to meet them. And she knew what she wanted to do,

"Maybe you are right Vimla ji. Don't tell anyone, but there is one family who has expressed their interest in meeting my daughter. I think they meant Khushi, but maybe I should convince them to meet Preeto first. Ladka AR mein kam karta hai, senior accountant hai, pata hai (you know the boy works at AR as senior accountant)?" Garima shared the news with her neighbor.

Arnav stood dumbstruck and somewhat angry. not that he would have liked any boy wanting to marry Khushi (because she was too good for anyone, no other reason, mind you!), but he was angry because her Amma was being so unfair to her.

And bad thing was he couldn't do anything as he was not really anyone to her. Yet.


After dinner, Arnav(aka sahil), Khushi and Preeto were watching TV in the hall. It was a late night program which focused on gossip news focused on Delhi's elite. They were showing footage from Raizadas' party from where some guests were seen exiting and the camera kept zooming on one particular girl. She was a tall, dusky beauty and oozed glamor. Lavanya. Arnav started fidgeting in his seat, hoping they don't have footage from further inside their courtyard where he had come out to wave goodbyes.

"Who is she?" Khushi asked curiously

"She is Lavanya Kashyap, daughter of Mihir Kashyap, who is Manish Raizada's best friend. It's rumored that she and Arnav Singh Raizada are childhood sweethearts and are soon to get engaged." Preeto provided information

"What rubbish! That's not true." Arnav inadvertently blurted shaking his head in denial making khushi and Preeto looked at him weirdly

"How do you know Sahilji?" Khushi asked

And then Arnav realized his slip. Damm it! Think of something fast Arnav!

"Erm, actually, I know Arnav Singh Raizada very well. We-erm-we are kind of-sort of friends-" he said closing his eyes for the lame excuses he was making. Any more questions from Khushi now, and his truth would come out. Please Please Please Khushi, don't ask anything. He prayed crossing his fingers.

Khushi looked at him for a minute, as if trying to see if he was joking. And then made her decision, "Ok." she said shrugging her shoulders.

"What? that's it? You don't want to know more about him? You know, because I-I am his friend?" Arnav asked, not quite understanding why he was contradicting himself like this. He was surprised that she had shown no interest in Arnav, well, him, in disguise! Because somewhere, he had wanted her to know him, real him!

"Umm. No. I know he is from a rude, egoistic family who consider everyone below them; he must be the same." she said getting up and Arnav dropped his head, feeling dejected

"He is not like that Khushi, please don't make an opinion without meeting me." he said in his mind


Precap- same as previous chapter


A/N - I hope not too shocked there. I mean this is a Cinderella story and though I intend to keep it lighthearted, Garima IS her stepmom so she will be grey. As I already said, not evil so no torture or keeping her hungry or beating her sort but subtle partiality! Shashank never said anything because Khushi never showed any objection, being happy with the affection Garima showed. Anyway, I am building towards the 'Royal Ball' but maybe a couple of chapters later.

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