25.8 Sun Saathiya - part 8

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An early update for you all. Happy Monday!


Time flies when you are going through an unexpected change in your life. What is factually the same duration of months or weeks, same length of days, now suddenly appears to have accelerated. The same was happening with both the families. A few days ago, none of the Guptas had thought Khushi will accept Saahas's death, none of the Raizadas thought Arnav will marry a girl who was previously married. Moreover, Khushi herself never thought she would agree to marry again, neither did Arnav dare to think Khushi would be his bride!

But this was happening now. Within a short span of time things took a different turn. And they all hoped it would turn out good.

Arnav and Khushi's wedding date was fixed in 2 months and although it was not going to be a grand wedding, they had found a middle way to respect both families' wishes and decided to have it as a ritualistic wedding with a few relatives and friends involved.



Today was a special day, as Arnav was invited for lunch at Khushi's house. His Dadi and vasudha had gone to attend a relative's wedding and Arnav hadn't so he was alone at home for a couple of days. And when Shashi and Garima got to know about it, they invited him for a meal. Although he was reluctant at first, when they reminded him how he told Khushi that he was also like their son, he had no chance to refuse.

Garima and Khushi made a simple yet special meal- sabzi-paratha-daal-chawal-raita-and-kheer, with Khushi making the dish she excelled at - palak paneer.

The only thing they didn't know was Arnav hated palak (spinach).

When they all sat around the dining table, and food was served, Arnav's face paled when he looked at the sabzi! The steaming hot green-white dish which should be banned as per him, was staring at him right back!

"Arnav beta, sharmana nahi, aaram se khao (don't feel shy, eat properly). Aur han, palak paneer khushi ne banaya hai, uski specialty hai ye (and yes, khushi has made palak paneer, it's her specialty)." Garima said, in a motherly pride and Arnav shared a glance at Khushi who too was visibly nervous.

Arnav took a deep breath. He had to do this! He had heard people go through tests to prove their love, but no one told him they have to eat the stuff they didn't like for their love!

'You can do it, Arnav.' He mentally prepared himself and made a game plan! All he had to do was finish that first serving quickly, and then he could eat the rest of the stuff, aaram se! Kheer was anyway his favorite!

To his horror though, the plan backfired!

Because as soon as he finished it, they thought he loved it so much that he ate it soon and refilled his bowl! None of his refusals were bought and Garima served another serving.

This went on thrice!

And finally, when the dish itself got over (and so his appetite), they stopped.*

Let alone feast on kheer, he couldn't even have craving for it left!



After lunch, he was sitting in the hall, talking with Shashi when Aman and Poornima came there. Poorni was missing her parents and Aman luckily had come home sooner so they both decided to pay a visit to Guptas.

And when they got to know about Arnav was here for lunch, curiosity filled them. Poorni, who was still struggling to accept Khushi had decided to move on, was also somewhere happy that the person she was moving on with was Arnav. She had heard from Aman and seen it herself and didn't need any more proofs to tell her he will take care of Khushi like Saahas would have...

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