21.5 BYWI - part 5

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Q/N - Hoping we haven't forgotten this story but in case if you have, this chapter contains quite a few of revisions so you should be good :P Enjoy reading, happy weekend ❤


People at K-finances were having a relaxing workday because their young, workaholic CEO Ms. Khushi Gupta was once again working from home today. In the past few weeks, this was a repeat scenario much to their delight. They were aware of the fact that their boss was expecting a baby soon, and as amazed as they were at her decision to be a confident single mom, they were equally scared of her increased temper during the past few months! She had always been a strict leader but these days, she had been even more particular and detail oriented. Thus, on days like today when her PA announced that she would be working from home, they heaved a sigh of relief and prayed that the Junior 'Baby Gupta' she was carrying was able to calm her!



"Wow, what smells so delicious?" Aman and payal walked together in Arnav's apartment late that morning and were welcomed with an aroma of freshly baked strawberry cupcakes.

Payal nudged Aman lightly with her elbow and commented, "didn't I tell you Khush is working from home today? So obviously, your friend will don the chef's hat!"

Arnav rolled his eyes at her playful taunt and continued sprinkling dusting sugar on the cupcakes.

"That's one lucky baby. It's already getting so much pampered." Aman said mentioning baby Kappu, and Arnav looked up instantly,

"Aman, I am doing this for my girlfriend, not for the baby." Arnav's sharp comment made Payal and Aman exchange glances. This was a repeat sentence they had heard in the past many months but despite everything Arnav said, it was clear that he was also doing things for the baby. The only problem was he was in denial and not able to accept that he was indeed changing...



Watching the clock show 11 in the morning, Khushi was twisting and turning in her bed. Albeit not too hastily. She had learnt to be careful of her movements in the past few weeks. One of the many things that changed in her life since she got pregnant. It was as if baby Kappu was teaching her that being a parent wasn't as easy as cracking a deal or getting into MBA at Harvard! Currently at 24-weeks pregnant, well into her second trimester and about to enter the third, she was becoming less and less confident of taking care of the baby, all alone! She started wishing she had her baby's daddy with her. If only she could find her mystery man from that drunken one-night stand months ago!

And as if that wasn't enough, Arnav -her charming neighbor and sweet(and spoilt-rich-jobless!) boyfriend of 5 months -was making it more confusing for her. When they started dating, he had told her on their very first date itself about his baby-phobia in clear words. She had even been a witness to it herself. Eventually, he also shared why he was so "scared" of babies. And even if he never said it directly, she knew he would break up with her once the baby was born. There was no way he could be in the near vicinity of a baby and she- well, she was not going to part with Kappu even if it was making her life so difficult at the moment!

But that wasn't confusing her. What puzzled her was Arnav's changed attitude and contradictory behavior over these past weeks. It surprised her that a playboy like him had happily abandoned his lifestyle just to be with her as a supportive and understanding boyfriend. He would always ensure that she was eating healthy, she was watching her steps, and he would be watchful to protect her and her baby. He made her those soothing lemonades in the early weeks when she had nausea spells; he almost stopped using his convertible car and started using an SUV whenever he was taking her out; he stood up for her when his ex-girlfriend Alisha tried to insult her and baby Kappu. So, if he indeed didn't like babies so much, why was he doing all this for her baby? Somehow, she didn't believe him when he said he was doing all this just for her and not for Kappu.

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