13.10 Thodi si bewafai - part 10

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Updating a day earlier, for your saturday evening/sunday read. Happy weekend. ❤


Khushi somehow sat through the first half of the workshop. Nishant along with some other doctors gave informative speeches for the employees of Arnav's company. Khushi's job was only limited to taking notes whenever someone asked questions from the audience and she was distractedly doing it.

Because there was only one thing she was thinking about and that was getting her daughter back from him! She didn't want to think about that blasted day or that harsh night. She didn't want to ask any questions or give any answers. It was only about correcting that one mistake from that day, leaving without thinking about her baby. She should have taken her along with herself then. But such was the anger and bruised self-respect that everything else had faded in her mind back then. Not now.



Arnav kept stealing glances towards Khushi throughout the time. His parched eyes drank in the sight of his wife. The three years had not affected her beauty one bit. But the earlier glow on her face was lost now. And ever since Nishant revealed to him about how she hadn't moved on, he kept thinking if there was a chance of them to reconcile again. Was she also thinking the same? Was she willing to work on their relationship? He knew he would get answers only when they talk.

And it happened during the lunch hour. Khushi had deliberately stayed behind in that hall as everyone else slowly left for the buffet which was arranged on the other side of the building.

Khushi's eyes found Arnav who also seemed to have stayed back and she walked towards him in deliberate steps. He took a deep breathe, as she came and stood directly in front of him. The heavy tension in the air was inevitable.

"Khushi" he attempted to greet with a small smile

"Where is my daughter?" she chose to ask in reply and he realized what was on her mind

"Khushi, she is in creche, I will take her to meet you, but before that-"

"I said I want to meet my daughter, Arnav. When can you bring her here?" She asked without giving him any chance and he sighed in defeat.


"What are you thinking, Shashi?" Garima asked her husband as they were seated in the plane. He had been lost in deep thoughts.

"How did we fail to teach our kids about relationships. Shyam misused the responsibility given to him to overstep in his sister's marriage while Khushi lost her patience at the last moment."

"She is not wrong, Shashi. Any girl in her place would have reacted strongly if her husband questioned her character." Garima said. She was a strong headed woman herself and together with Shashi they had instilled same value in Khushi.

"And I don't deny that. My daughter has every right to not take any insult thrown at her, we have raised her to be a courageous woman like that, didn't we? Right from her childhood, we taught her the importance of self-respect, I had told her that she has full freedom to make her decisions and I will stand with her. That is why when she chose to be a nurse even when she could easily become a doctor, we supported her; when she had her heart broken with that guy in college(Nishant)- and no matter how much she tried to hide, we had an inkling- but we never questioned her and even when she banished her brother from her life, we stayed with her. But a relationship between a husband and a wife is a whole different story isn't it Gari?"

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