25.9 Sun Saathiya - part 9

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Do listen to that gem added above, soulful voices of Lata ji and Adnan sami.


The wedding day had arrived much to everyone's anticipation. One by one all the rituals were completed amidst everyone's well wishes for this special couple who decided to take the first step towards their togetherness.

Even though their marriage was overall a joyful event, Arnav and Khushi struggled to keep their feelings from going haywire. Even if Khushi had made her mind to marry Arnav and had not done it with second thoughts, but her heart still reminded her of her first wedding with saahas, of how happy she was, about how many dreams she had carried in her eyes for the beginning of her forever with the love of her life. Little did she know back then that her forever would be short lived. In this marriage with Arnav though, she had no rosy dreams neither there was love (at least from her side) but she had trusted in him, she had hope in her eyes for a content life ahead. All she had to do was hide her struggle over giving saahas's place to Arnav, to not bring up memories and to try to be an honest companion that Arnav deserved.

Arnav too had hoped that the love he had for Khushi would provide a solid base for their marriage and would give him strength to create a secure little world where she would feel happy with him. All he had to do was suppress his urges to hold her hand, to stop getting lost in her beautiful hazel eyes, to prevent his instinct to tell her he loved her every time her smile added glitters to his world!


With these thoughts, they both entered their new bedroom, which thankfully was sans any "wedding night" decorations! Khushi knew Arnav must be behind it, as she had heard he had warned his cousins and other relatives not to tease them or make her feel uncomfortable in any way. Her heart silently thanked him as he opened the door for her to step into his room and his life...

But as they entered further into the room, she realized there was still one problem. A big one.

The bedroom had only 1 king size bed, and no extra mattress or a couch. Sharing it seemed the only option and it scared her.

Arnav too was worried about how to go about this issue, as he had completely forgotten to arrange a couch in the room and seeing her skeptical looks, he knew he had to do something. He could see the tension they both had taken efforts to go away had reappeared. He wondered if he should go to the guest room.

He saw her grab a couple of pillows, arrange them in the center and ask him nervously,

"Arnav, if I keep these pillows here...you won't misunderstand me, I mean, aap ko koi problem nahi hai na (you won't have any problem, hai na)?" her face was etched with worry.

He honestly liked her idea. This was a good solution to their 'problem'. But he hated her nervousness which he had to take away so taking a brief pause before answering, he said "Bass ek problem ho sakti hai khushi (There might be one problem)."

"Woh kya (what is it)?"

"Tum kharrate toh nahi leti ho na (You do not snore, right)? Because I can't sleep if someone is snoring around me." he calmly replied. In an obvious attempt to tease her, moreover, to relax her frayed nerves.

Her mouth was left open in shock as he said it with a perfectly straight face. The next thing he saw was one of the pillows from that 'pillow wall' being thrown at him!

Gone was every trace of tension, worry from her mind and her admiration for this man once again took a front seat in her heart...

And thus, they laid the first brick of foundation of their marriage with heartfelt laughter. Sure, there wasn't romance, but there wasn't animosity either and that was a plus!

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