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I blink rapidly probably in an attempt to blur and get rid of this scammer type of guy presented in front of me.

He snaps his fingers in my face causing me to blink on beat.

"Fuck wrong wid yuh?" His lips draw into a snarl.

I pull my head back in shock.


He takes a deep sigh and grabs my shoulder to pull me to my feet. He stands behind me and directs me with his hand still on my shoulder.

He guides me all the way back to his car and opens the passenger door.

He releases my shoulder and uses the same hand to point at the door.

"Lock it bloodclaat. Fuck wrong wid yuh?" He turns to look at me.

I look to the sky and laugh- like genuinely laugh. The alcohol is leaving my system a little. I know that I would have to pee to actually release the necessary amount before I take a shower and go to bed as my after party routine. So my laugh is only barely influenced by the alcohol.

My laugh is mostly me genuinely wondering what the actual fuck is wrong with this man.

Once I stop laughing I look over to him in disbelief. His eyes are low as he watches me.

"Lock e fuckin door and don' fuck yuhself wid mi."


He is being dead serious.

"No.." My voice trails off.

"No?" He takes two quick steps forward so he is right over my shoulder. "Dweet." he spits.

I shrug him off and kiss my teeth then start walking back to my wall to sit.

I can hear him walking behind me as his feet crunched the gravel. It doesn't matter to me though. I keep a steady pace and hold my head straight.

"Hello?" He calls behind me.

I keep walking as if I don't hear him.

"Hello?" He snaps as he finally catches up to me.

He grabs my shoulder to spin me around to face him. "You are very rude."

I almost laugh at his audacity. Just before I decide to actually be very rude to him I see Jordan.

"Jade! We came out to look if y'all were okay." He smiles at me then winks.


"I am fine." I huff.

The annoying choppa walks away in a defeated manner. All of a sudden, his crown pulls up beside us almost running over my foot if I hadn't jumped back out of the way.

"Later enuh dawg." He speaks in the direction of Jordan completely ignoring my existence.

His friends from earlier jump into the back of the vehicle and he speeds off throwing bits of gravel all over me- spitefully I would assume.

As soon as the car drives off I see Jordan walking back towards the club.

"Where are you going?" He turns back around almost immediately before shrugging.

"Back to the party."

"Oh, I thought you guys finished partying. I wanted to go home." It might've sounded selfish coming from me but I couldn't care less right now.

"No..." His voice trails off. "Why yuh neva ask di dawg fi gi yuh a drop home?"

I roll my eyes at my best friend. "No, thanks." He knows me too well to suggest that.

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