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What the hell..

I walk over to Tego but when he sees me walking towards him he just jumps in his car.

I sigh before following suit and taking a seat beside him then he locks the doors.

"What took you so long?" He doesn't look at me when he speaks.

I kiss my teeth before I speak. "I was expecting you to call me or sumn for your alibi but I never expected that I was gonna have to wake up and come out in the driveway at a quarter past nothin"

He rolls his eyes and starts his car. "Yuh neva "come" in a no driveway." He mumbles.

I ignore him but he doesn't seem to care. He just begins driving.

"Anyway, the thing is that I was with you last week."

"The entire week?" I ask.

He rolls his eyes before answering. "Yes, Jade. The entire week." He sighs before continuing.

"We spent it at a villa in Negril. It was like an escape for the both of us because we've been so stressed."

I nod even though his eyes are fixed on the road in-front of him.

"I didn't leave the villa the entire time so that's for the whole week of the 15th to the 22nd. We were just relaxing. We also didn't have a reason to leave the villa because we have everything available there."

I nod once more.

"You're probably not thinking about this since you're slow but what about school? You only had online lectures for that week." He glances in my direction.

"Well okay. I just don't know why I'm doing this and where you're gonna be going for me to say all of this for you."

He rolls his eyes and takes a deep breath. "Jade, a nuh every ting good fi talk. Jus' work wid mi nuh."

I huff unintentionally.

"I think I deserve the right to know what's going on." I look at him but he doesn't budge. "That's the least that I deserve."

"Well you can't know everything, Jade." He snaps before taking a deep breath.

"I can't tell you everything." He mumbles.


Am I not worthy enough to know what's going on in your life?

I didn't even realize that my eyes had started watering until one fell down my cheek.

I wipe it away quickly so Tego doesn't notice but my unintentional sniffle gives me away.

"Why are you crying?" He doesn't look at me though. His eyes are still on the road.

I shake my head in response because there's a lump in my throat.

"Jade, answer me." He says after glancing at me through the corner of his eye.

I sniffle once more before answering him. "I just don't understand why you feel the need to leave me out of everything in your life."

"Cyaa know every ting." He says quietly while shaking his head. "Jus' know code right now."

"It's just confusing to me because I'm your girlfriend and I-"

He finally turns his head fully to look at me for the first time since the night started.

"Girlfriend?" He exclaims.

My chest sinks at his reaction.

"Oh.." My voice trails off. "I-"

"You're not my girlfriend, Jade. We just started getting to know each other." He says firmly.

His reassurance makes my chest sink further but I don't answer him.

He instead takes a deep breath before getting back to the task at hand.

"I'm gonna take the flight now. There's going to be someone out there and I'll direct you to speak to them."

I nod.

He uses his index finger to point at the runway. "Let's go. That's where we're going."

He shuts off the car and goes to the trunk for two duffle bags.

When he meets me back at the front, we both walk to the jet where a man and woman are standing outside at the bottom of the stairs.

"Hello." The man greets us but the woman stays silent.

"Hello." I greet while Tego just nods in their direction.

"Oh, you're the girl he was with last week?" The man asks and cocks an eyebrow at me.

I nod before answering. "I love his company. I just wanted to relax with him."

The man nods slowly. "Aren't you a student? Your school is pretty far from the villa for you to be so relaxed."

I shrug him off. "I can attend my lectures online so it wasn't much of an issue for me to go to school."

He nods once more. "And your parents? Weren't they concerned?"

I shake my head. "I'm a big girl."

The man just laughs in response. "We'll I'm glad to know that and it was nice meeting you."

"Alright, bye. I'll call you." Tego barely looks at me when he speaks before boarding the plane and one of the random men gestures to me to go back in the Crown that takes me home without even another word.

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