S. 2. Chapter 4

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"I don't need anything from someone like you." I said to him.

"You might regret that decision. I have a spy infiltrated with Orochimaru." Sasori said to me.

I looked at Sasori from the side.

"What do you want in exchange?" I asked knowing there was nothing free in this world.

"Just think of it as a reward for defeating me." Sasori said back to me.

"You don't want me to save you from dying or anything?" I asked as I am the student from Tsunade.

"... Is that possible...?"

"... No. Your heart was stabbed twice." I lied.

I was not going to help a fucking criminal.

"Then why did you asked?" Sasori began to get suspicious.

"Hey, you are dying. Are you going to give me the information or not?" I changed topics.

"Ten days from today. The spy was going to meet me at the Tenchi bridge." Sasori said to me.

"A spy... why would you do that?" I questioned Sasori.

"... Being around for sometime, you get to know people." Sasori said last getting tired.

He was slowly dying at last, Chiyo-san and me stood there until the last second. We left the perimeters and went outside to meet with Naruto. He was holding Gaara in the floor, but Gaara did not moved. I went closer to them, and examined Gaara.

"He is dead." I said at last.

There was a heavy silence, then Temari arrived, and saw Gaara lying there emotionless. She quickly went to him, and then looked at me.

"You can't save him?" She asked tears threatening to fall down her cheeks.

"I am sorry, it's been too long since he died." I answered with a bow.

I truly would help if I could, but there was nothing I could do for them. Chiyo-san then walked towards us where Gaara was laying. There was then a free light on top of Gaara.

"Chiyo-sama...!" Temari exclaimed worried.

"It's alright. My time has already been extended for too long. I want to do the right thing at least once in this life..." Chiyo-san said to Temari.

"Thank you." Temari said tears rolling down her cheeks.

I went closer to Chiyo-san and started to give her my Chakra.

"I will help." I said to her.

"... I guess, I could use your help."

I smiled, and there was a silence surrounding us. More and more people started to come to witness this. Gaara was truly cared in his village, it was really nice to see after knowing how he suffered. Gaara finally opened his eyes, and was surprised to everyone surrounding him.

"Gaara!" Temari hugged Gaara and cried happily.

"Well, let's get going." Kakashi-sensei said to us.

We were going to carry Chiyo-san, but some ninjas from the sand said they would like to do it. We didn't said anything else, and let them do it. We started to get going to the hidden village of the sand. We stood for the rest of the day in the village, and decided to leave in the morning.

"We are really thankful for everything." Gaara said to us.

"It was our pleasure to help." Kakashi-sensei answers back.

"I also want to thank you for saving Kabuto." Gaara said looking at me.

I smiled.

"I was just doing what it was expected of me." I said with a smile.

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