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Y/n walked into the library, bumping into someone outside the door. 'Oh! I'm so sorry.' The guy helped her stand. Y/n recognized him. He was Amos Diggory. Hufflepuff, 7th year, tall, handsome and popular. 'Oh, Y/n. I hope I didn't hurt you.' He said, wringing his hands slightly. Also, he was very shy.

'No, no. Amos. I'm perfectly fine. Thank you.' She smiled. 'That's good then. How's life? I haven't seen you in a while.' He said, smiling softly. 'Oh yea. Mum wanted to visit during holidays. Slipped her mind, though. We'll visit during the next ones for sure! Life's good. kind of frustrating but good. ' She smiled. 'Have someone for the winter ball?' He asked her, more comfortable than before. 'Hmm. No. It's not for 5th years. I probably won't go' Y/n said, a tinge of sadness in her voice. This did not go unnoticed by Amos. 'Oh. Yea... well if I don't get anyone from my year by Halloween, wanna go? As friends of course! Also please don't think of yourself as a second choice! Yo-You're not!' He stuttered, a nervous but soft smile on his face. 'Sure! Yea. Don't worry about it.' She smiled at the boy before he waved and walked towards where ever he was going. Y/n smiled again at him. He was a big brother to her. They lived about a quarter hour apart and his father worked with her mother.

Y/n walked into the library, waving at the Mrs. Brooke, the librarian, before going in. The lady gave nothing but the smallest notion of a smile.

Y/n didn't mind. She walked ahead and towards the end of the room. Pandora, Marlene and Mary were hunched over a bunch of books, many scratched out papers laid about. Some covered in messy handwriting and other covered in big blotches of ink. 'Figured out a way?' Y/n asked, setting down the box on the table, and sitting down. 'Oh great. It's y/n.' Marlene rolled her eyes, smiling sarcastically. 'Oh great. It's Marlene.' Y/n said, smiling back the same way. Then the two started laughing. 'Ok. Great. You guys finished your very weird introduction that you guys always do. Now here.' Mary sighed, pushing the books towards the new girl. 'What?' She asked, hunching over the books like the others did. 'What she's trying to say is, will you help us?' Pandora said, trying to hide her flustered cheeks due to being so close to Mary, up to the point where their shoulders were touching. Mary had an almost unnoticeable tinge of pink on her face.

Y/n smirked before pulling the books towards her. Pandora gave her a warning glare. Y/n chuckled and looked through the contents of the books. It was safe to say that she understood nothing. She sat like that for 8 minutes before Marlene spoke up. 'Well?' She demanded. 'What do you mean "Well?". Well, I understood nothing. You need Lily for this.' Y/n pushed the book away and leaned back. The others groaned as she laughed.

'What's this?' Mary asked, picking up the box she suddenly noticed. Y/n's heart rate went up and butterflies swarmed in her stomach as she pulled it back towards her. 'N-nothing.' She stuttered. 'Yellow. That's from a Hufflepuff?' Marlene asked, leaning onto the table with her elbows, her long brown hair falling forwards. 'Y-yea... fat friar gave it to me' y/n took deep breaths to calm herself.

'Did he say who?' Mary asked, leaning forward, looking eager. 'No. He said it was a "dashing, young, handsome boy" from his house. That's all. He did say that the name was inside. But told me not to open it until Christmas.' Y/n explained, arms around the box protectively. 'Why until Christmas? If it was meant as a gift, why couldn't he-' 'or She!' Marlene interrupted Mary, who rolled her eyes. 'Can't be a she. Fat Friar said it was a "dashing, young, handsome boy". Pandora said softly.

'Ok. Why couldn't he it to you on Christmas?' By now the girls were returning the books to their shelves. 'Maybe they wanted to let the excitement build up, you know?' Pandora offered. The other two nodded but y/n gave her a look. 'Ok, maybe you'll forget about it now, but you'll remember it again on Christmas!' She reasoned. This time all the three nodded.

'Good evening Mrs. Brooke." The girls chorused as they passed the librarian. The lady did as much as scoff. Just as Marlene was about to open the door, someone else did so. The door opened inwards and there stood Regulus Black. He stared at the girls for a moment before glaring at y/n. She gave a glare back. Regulus's eyes darted to the box she held so close before back to her face. Then his eyes darted to Marlene for a moment, who smiled awkwardly. Then Regulus shot y/n one last glare before pushing part her and into the library. 'Good afternoon Mrs. Brooke.' He wished the librarian with a sweet smile. The lady smiled back and muttered an 'Evening'. The girls stared at each other in shock as the walked out.

Regulus held his breath as he heard the door shut. He relaxed as the sound of closing doors reached his ears, sinking into the plush armchair he was sitting on.

He found himself thinking back to the interaction with the three Ravenclaws and Gryffindor. Who had given her a box? Why?


Outside the library, Mary gave Marlene a side hug and Pandora a full hug, which left the girl red and fumbling, and finally, Mary gave y/n a fistbump before walking towards her common room, her ponytail of dark curly hair bouncing as she skipped away.

'Marle-' y/n was cut off by the girl itself. 'Guys I'm so sorry but I promised Gwynessa I'd tutor her on charms. She's really bad at it. See you at dinner? Bye!' With that, she ran off the same way Mary went, but would be taking a detour towards the Hufflepuff common room.

'I guess we... could go to the common room then? We still have an hour before dinner.' Y/n offered her light haired friend. Pandora nodded. The girls started their very long and tiring walk to their common room. Halfway through the ever-changing stairs, they met Rylan Fowler. 'Hi' he greeted the two girls as they shared a changing stair. Pandora greeted him with a 'hi', while y/n gave him a smile.

Her mind went to her first quidditch match which was against the Hufflepuff's where Rylan was a seeker. He had openly allowed her to get the snitch in her first match. Her house wasn't exactly happy about her playing as she was a last minute pick. However, after the match, she had confronted him about what he did. The boy had just chuckled, leaned forwards and whispered; 'if I had caught the snitch, the Ravenclaws would have hated you.'

That was their first proper interaction in Hogwarts. After that, thy met up around school and usually just went to the gardens around the greenhouses.

'Y/n? Are you okay?' Rylan's voice brought her back from the daydream. 'Huh? What? Yea!' She exclaimed looking around. 'I suppose the lack of sleep is getting to me' the girl smiled at him. He nodded before looking at her friend and then back at y/n. 'I suppose you better go eat and get some rest then. Goodbye.' Rylan smiled one last time before getting off at a platform and letting the girls go to the next one. 'Yes! Yes! I will! for sure!' Y/n waved, enthusiastically, as the boy laughed at the girls antics and disappeared down the corridor. 'I'd say someone has a crush but I wouldn't wanna fall.' Pandora whispered, smirking. 'Oh, shut up unless you really do wanna fall.' Y/n glared at her friend. Pandora just kept smirking.


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