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Guys, I don't ever have a white winter. so Idk anything about snow. in this, it melts by Jan :)

JANUARY 18th, 1978 

Today went as usual. Y/n sat in her dorm with Julia, Marlene and Pandora, finishing up some charms homework. 

'Do you not have patrol tonight?' Julia asked suddenly. 

Y/n looked up from her paper. 

'Oh shit, yea! See you guys later.' She quickly stood up, pinning her badge on and ran out the common room. 


'Early as usual.' Regulus commented sarcastically as Y/n walked towards him. He pushed himself off the wall and glanced at his non-existent watch with a mock annoyed face. 'I should really get you a watch.' He shook his head as they started walking. Y/n scoffed. 'I have a watch.' She brought out her pocket watch. 'Ooh, fancy.' Regulus rolled his eyes with a soft smile. 

Y/n cracked a smile. 'I know right.' She joked. The both of them sighed and walked in a silence for a while. 'Could we- sneak out?' Regulus suddenly asked out of nowhere. 

Y/n looked at him weirdly. 'You mean out of Hogwarts or to the grounds?' She asked skeptically. 'Out of Hogwarts!? who gave you that idea?' He asked, looking surprised.  'Barty's a bad influence.' Y/n shrugged. Regulus laughed. And this wasn't one of his cheap-ass laugh which he used around other people. This was a genuine laugh that reached his eyes. 'Please, can we go out. We haven't in ages! Stupid snow' he cursed under his breath.

Y/n watched him with a soft look in her eyes and an unreadable look. 'We'll go to the grounds. and its a no moon night. No wolves and stuff.' she smiled, interlocking their hands and pulling him with her. 

The both of them were quiet as they walked down the steps. 'Its cold. Slightly.' She muttered. Regulus watched her for a moment. It was cold. Crisp January wind nipped at them, blowing their hand and stinging their eyes. 'Here.' Regulus shrugged off his coat, which he wore over hiss Slytherin blazer, and draped it around her shoulders. 'You look good.' He complimented her with a soft smile. 'What do you mean? I always look good.' She joked back.

. The snow had mostly melted. It stuck to places like the top of trees and the lake still had a slight layer of ice on top of it. 

'How's life? In general?' Y/n asked randomly as they walked down the small hill to reach the lake. 'Life? it's shit.' He shrugged, running a hand through his hair. Surprisingly, none of his rings got stuck between his hair. 'I like your rings.' she muttered, suddenly, in a low tone. 'My rings?' He asked, looking at the collection of jewelry on his fingers. 'Would you like one?' he asked softly, his grey eyes fluttering across her face. 'What?' she asked confused. 'Go on, you can choose.' he extended both his hands out. He had a total of seven rings. Y/n thought it was a bit over but it matched his personality. 'This one?' she pointed to the one on his left ring finger. It was a band of plain silver with the smallest diamond on top. He smiled slightly and pried it off of his finger and gestured for her hand. She obliged and showed it. He placed it in her hand and smiled.

Y/n held it between her fingers. It held a crest on the inside. 'That's my family crest. It's a heirloom. See, its like your watch. The initial changes according to the holder.' He pointed to the small three letters etched to the side opposite to the crest. "R.A.B". 'Hold on. Heirloom? It's part of your family! I can't take this! I'll have another-' She was cut off by Regulus. 'It's fine. I want you to have it.' He closed her hand around it and pushed her closed fist towards the girl. The both of them held eye contact, having a silent argument. 

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