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I lied. This is not based on a song. But i hope you enjoy it.

TW: swearing and making out? And alcohol.

My writing is weird in this, so bare with me.


Regulus was drunk. No. That was an understatement. He was wasted and intoxicated. Why? You may ask.
No? Anyways...

It was just a normal day. He bullied a few kids, attended class, snuck out of class, bunked around with his friends and so on. Till he saw what he didn't want to see. He didn't know why it affected him. He didn't even like her that way (obviously). And they were his friends. He should be happy for them. Not angry. Or jealous. No. Happy. Right? Wrong. He was jealous. Literally so jealous. There's something about seeing your "friend" kiss her boyfriend (who is also your friend) in front of your eyes. Okay, granted, they didn't see him, but still. It never affected him before. Why did it now? He wanted a break. From everything.

After that, he was numb. He didn't respond to his brothers jests and sneers when he walked past them. Didn't answer any questions in potions. Nor in charms. His friends were worried. But he ignored them.

Soon, dinner was over and Regulus snuck out of his dorm, a bottle in hand and a destination set for the astronomy tower. Why did he like that tower? He didn't know. Probably cause that's where he learn he and Y/n shared a middle name. Or it might be the fact that he just liked it for no reason that had no connections with her. Yes. That must be it.

Before he even started the tedious climb, his bottle was open and his throat was burning from the bitter taste of alcohol. He wanted to stop. But did he really? He knew the answer. It was no.

He took another sip just as he reached the top and he was surprised to find the bottle lighter than he thought it was. Almost half of it was done by the time Regulus slumped against the wall, one knee pulled close, the other outstretched. He sipped the drink, not really caring about anything. He was focused on a spek of dust until... until...


Regulus stirred to find it was still night. Hm, he must've just dozed off. 'Finally awake, sleepy head?' a voice asked from beside him, cradling his bottle of alcohol. Regulus was quite surprised. It was Y/n. Was it just him or was she prettier? No, she was prettier. God damn, she was always pretty.

Regulus made an incoherent hum, sitting up and stretching.

'what are you doing here, Reg? It's late. You should be in bed.' Y/n said softly, looking at him. Regulus just stared at her.

'Are you okay?' Y/n asked, brushing his hair. Regulus nodded. 'Why are you here?' He asked, not looking away. Y/n sighed. 'Couldn't sleep... So, thought I'd come here... Why were you drinking?' She asked softly.

'Uhm.... Problems at home?' Regulus said it more like it was a question than statement. 'Oh...' Y/n muttered.
'Y/n?' Regulus mumbled after a while. 'Yes?' She replied.
'Can I kiss you?'
Wait. Wait. Wait, what? No, no, no, no. He didn't not want to ask that! Where's the undo button? Where's the erase? Where's the suicide button!?-

'Are you serious?' She asked, looking at him.
'No, my brother is. Can I kiss you?' He repeated before he could stop himself. He didn't want that. No. Shut up. He wanted to slap himself right now. Maybe even strangle himself. Where's his wand when he needs it!?-

'Yea.' She replied softly and Regulus' world went quiet. Deadly quiet. 'Excuse me?' he mumbled in a quiet voice. 'I said, sure. You can kiss me.' Y/n said in a clearer voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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