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SEPTEMBER 29th, 1977


'Y/n!' Lily groaned into her friend's ear. 'What?' Y/n asked,  not taking her eyes of the stirring potion. she had to get this perfect. 'I'm bored!' Lily cried, letting herself fall onto the table. She had already finished the potion, packed it, waxed it and given it to professor Slughorn. 'Well, I'm not' Y/n muttered. 'Students, you finished it up, I'll be back in 20 minutes.' With that Slughorn exited the room. Everyone stared at door in surprise for a moment before the class erupted into chatter. Out of nowhere, spells started getting shot. 'Stop it!' Y/n and Lily shouted, being prefects. No one payed heed. The other two prefects, Mormier and Julian, tried as well but Mormier got punched by someone straight on the nose and it started bleeding. The two prefects left the two girls to go to the Hospital wing.

A spell, cast by someone, hit y/n's cauldron right when Slughorn opened the door, causing it to explode on the Professor. Everyone watched him in silent shock. 'Miss Merdiue, I expect to see you on 1st of October. From 2pm to 6pm.' He spoke slowly, removing the sticky golden potion from his walrus mustache. Y/n's mouth dropped open. 'But that during Hogsmeade!' She exclaimed. Y/n was supposed to meet up with Rylan for a butterbeer and then later go for a walk till the shrieking shack. 'No buts. I suppose you can keep Mr. Black company in Detention.' he muttered. 'Sirius?' Y/n asked, slightly hopeful but also feeling down remembering what happened the last time they met. 'No, the younger one. Regald.' He answered. 'Regulus.' Y/n corrected, sitting down. The whole class shot her a sorry glance but she just glared at them.


After potions, Y/n walked out of the room, purely livid. She had lost 20 points for Ravenclaw, been banned from the next Quidditch match, and had detention on Saturday, all because some boy in her class thought it would be fun to shoot a spell with his eyes closed. 'Y/n! I really apologize for Sanders' behavior. I'll talk to McGonagal about it.' Lily promised catching up to her friend. 'Yea okay.' y/n muttered before going up the stairs and towards the library. 'I have to meet up with Pandora.' she looked at Lily before going up the stairs.


That Thursday, Y/n was in a bad mood. Even in herbology, when she was paired up with Benny Beckett, her best friend from Hufflepuff, it took all her strength to not whine about what happened to him. The only time she smiled properly was when Regulus got scolded in charms for bursting his feather into flames. Her happiness, however, burned away like his feather when she realized she would have to spend time with him later this week.

At dinner, Sirius and James tired to talk to her, which worsened her mood for they were acting as if nothing had happened. Remus stopped them before she pulled out her wand and shot a curse at them.


SEPTEMBER 30th, 1977


The next day, Y/n sat gloomily on the stands, a book on her lap, as she watched Gilderoy Lockhart try and chase the snitch. Key word : "try".

He wasn't the best, not even close to being the best.  However, he was the only one who would step in the day before the match, claiming he was a "natural at Quidditch"

Y/n sighed as she saw her team captain, Regina Lewly, fly towards her. 'I swear, how'd you land detention on match day?' Regina asked, as the two watched the blonde chase after the snitch. 'Blame Sanders.' Y/n muttered. 'Sanders? George Sanders? Gryffindor chaser?' Regina asked, turning to y/n. The girl nodded. 'Well, I guess Nora has a new target instead of James tomorrow.' She muttered, watching Gilderoy trying to fix his hair, ignoring the snitch that was flying around him. Her gaze flickered to the open stairs which led to the seating area. 'I'd better get back. Lover boy's coming.' Regina smirked, her long, black ponytail swishing against the wind as she flew towards Gilderoy, who had finally caught the snitch.

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