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NOVEMBER 26th, 1977


Y/n glared at the boy who was conversing with the girl in the painting. She seemed happy and chatted animatedly with Regulus.
The attention of the painting and the boy turned to the pair of girls who had started walking towards the door after snapping out of their glare fest. The girls' shoes clicked against the stone floor as they walked. Marlene and Regulus shared a curt but quiet nod before he turned to Y/n, eyes stone cold.

'I need to talk to you.' He spoke in that silky smooth voice of his. 'Should I stay? I can if you want me to...' Marlene muttered next to Y/n. The (color) haired girl shook her head. 'Ok, see you inside.' Marlene whispered before answering a riddle with ease and walking in. 'Yes?' Y/n asked, raising an eyebrow at the boy who was staring at her. Regulus blinked a few times before clearing his throat. The setting sun made his eyes seem like icy pools of water. Cold but inviting.

'We have patrol tonight.' He informed her. Y/n shook her head. 'No. I was set with another girl from Slytherin. Meadows. Dorcas Meadows.' Y/n said, wringing her hands behind her back. 'Yes. But Dorcas was set to beauxbatons last week by her parents. They moved to Paris.' He nodded, as if someone inside his head just told it to him and he was agreeing to what that person said.

'Oh' was all Y/n managed. Regulus eyed her slightly muddy robes (she had helped professor Sprout before setting of on the adventure of homework).

'Change and come. I'll be waiting in the 4th hallway of the 7th floor. We have floor 7, hallways 4-6. 3 hours.' He almost said a goodbye but decided not to, turned on his heel and walked down the stairs.

Y/n turned to the door, which was left open by Marlene, and walked in, expecting Marlene but seeing her other dorm mate, Julia. 'What'd he want?' Julia, who sat on the couch eating grapes, asked. 'Prefect duty' Y/n muttered. 'Hmm... oh! Could you please tie my hair for me? I just can't get it right.' She asked.

Y/n's eyes flickered to her watch before signing and walking to her friend. 2 minutes later, Julia sported a beautiful French braid. 'Oh my, god! It's so pretty! Aw, thank you so much! Thank you!' She gave the girl a hug before running up the stairs.
Y/n followed. Lifting her slightly muddy clothes. After a quick change and pinning her badge which fashioned a big "P", Y/n left her room in a hurry, not even shouting a good bye to her friends.


By the time Y/n reached the 4th hallway of the 7th floor, the sun had sunk behind the tree line, causing a beautiful purple to fall upon the sky. Regulus sighed deeply to hide his annoyance as she walked towards him. 'Wow! Merdiue! You're so early! Like, I could never do what you do. What's your secret?' He asked, sarcastically, as the both of them started their patrols. Y/n rolled her eyes, wishing she could have been with Dorcas or Rylan or literally any one else. 'You see, Black, I have friends and things to do, unlike you. So, I take time, like normal human beings.' She muttered, quickening her pace. 'Aw, darling, don't be upset with me, please, I shall hurl myself off of this window if you do' he cried, dramatically. 'Do you expect me to laugh? Or shall I actually hurl you out of the window? I'd love to help, m'love.' She quipped back. Both of them scoffed and let the distance of two people behind them.

After about a quarter of an hour, Regulus sparked up a conversation. 'Can you do a patronous?' He asked, sounding curious. Y/n didn't answer right away. She just stared at him.

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