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Long chapter my loves <33
I'm only gonna give snippets of random parts from the week.
Just letting you know, at the part of the dream, I was bored and let my subconscious take over...

And then the detention.

OCTOBER 2nd, 1977


The next morning, Y/n was woken up by her dorm door being slammed open.

'Bed empty!' Sirius shouted.
'No note!' James shouted just as loud.
'My cloak gone!' Remus said, waving the said cloak of his, which he picked up from the corner, around.
'You could've even seen!' Peter said.

'Wha- ohhh' Y/n slurred, her head spinning. She was never good with Butterbeer or any alcoholic drink.

'I-I'm sorry-' She yawned. 'I had a date. Was it a date? Something like that.' She brushed it off, walking to the bathroom. 'Date? Who?' Peter asked as the other two, excluding Sirius, was standing there with their jaws dropped. 'Oh my God! How did it go?' Sirius asked as Y/n put a bit of toothpaste on her brush.

'It was good. We had butterbeer- Oh! Remus your cloak! I tired to remove as much butterbeer as I could. The smell stuck though.' She said, pointing to the cloth in his hand.

After brushing she walked out and opened her trunk, taking out a pair of black pants, a white shirt and her Ravenclaw sweater out.

'We almost kissed.' She told Sirius. 'What!?' Remus and James practically screamed, causing Pandora and Marlene to startle awake. Julie just yawned and turned over.

'Are those the idiots? How'd they get in?' Marlene yawned. Pandora shrugged and fell back asleep.

'What're you talking about?' Marlene asked, leaning forward. Peter, who was sitting on her bed, leaned back and whispered 'Y/n almost kissed someone'. This woke Marlene completely. 'Oh my God! Who? Regulus?' She exclaimed. This cause all five pair of eyes to turn to her with a repulsive look.

'What? We're missing something!'
'After yesterday?!'
'You're in love with who now?'

Only Sirius didn't speak up as he knew who.

The room was chaotic for a moment. 'No!!!' Y/n exclaimed, giving an involuntarily shiver, the anger of yesterday setting into her mind. No!

'It's Rylan! Rylan Fowler! From Hufflepuff.' She said, sitting down on her bed. Everyone but Marlene, who looked a slightly down at this, gave a sigh of relief.

'Glad it's him. Kind of. But we still need to have the talk.' Remus told Y/n as James opened the door to leave. 'Oh no... No, no, no. Leave that to Mum.' She cried. 'Auntie Aleta? Oh No. She'd congratulate you.' Sirius shook his head, following Peter out of the room and shutting the door behind him.

As soon as they left, Marlene jumped onto Y/n's bed, as their beds were next to each other, and glared at Y/n. 'Spill' She demanded.


OCTOBER 5th, 1977


The long week finally was so close to ending. 2 more days and she'd get a break from everything. It had only been a month since school started but the teachers were acting like the owls were just around the corner. Thus, the amount of homework.

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