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November is just a bunch of fillers made up of reels see on Instagram tbh... idk what to add in November 😭. So... it'll be short chapters...

 But what I can tell you is that I figured out how Regulus will confess and how she moves on from Rylan to Regulus.... It's all very complicated really... 

also, early update cause you guys are very good kids and I might stop putting the date bcz it's hard for me to put 5 chapters per month so... i might change it from 6th year onwards...

NOVEMBER 5th, 1977


To say the tension was thick for the week was an understatement. Wherever she went, all she got from others were stares and whispers behind their hands. Charms had gotten worse. All she did was glare at Regulus while the boy paid attention to class. All she wanted to do when she saw him was to tear him apart over and over. An uncontrollable anger took over her. What made things worse was seeing hoards of girls following him around as the Winter Ball dance was coming up. Regulus was, now according to Y/n, A nightmare dressed as a daydream. Sure he was handsome, fit and good looking. but what laid underneath was disgusting.

To get her mind off this, Lily, The M's and Pandora decided to take Y/n on a walk.


The six of them walked through the outskirts of the forbidden forest, not exactly looking where they were going. And the topic was the thing going through every girl's mouth right now. The Winter ball dance.

'I hope Arthur asks me out' said Molly, smiling brightly. As of recent, they had been talking much more. The girls honestly felt happy for her. 'I do too! you guys would be amazing' Lily smiled at her friend, brushing her dark red hair out of her face. 'I wonder who'll ask me out...' Lily muttered. The remaining five looked at her with an eyebrow raised. 'James, obviously!' Marlene exclaimed. 'Yea, he was talking about it. Kept asking me what flowers you liked. I told him it was obvious.' Y/n muttered, popping another one of the little snacks which she had nicked from the great hall.

'He did?' she asked, beaming at Y/n before regaining her composure. 'Oh- 'h, that's nice' she muttered' going as red as her hair. The girls laughed. This laughter, however, was short lived.


Two high pitched screams came as Y/n and Pandora fell into gap on the ground. It wasn't that deep but it was deep enough that they couldn't be pulled out by their friends. 'Ow' Y/n groaned as Pandora rolled off of her. 'You ok?' She asked the light haired one. 'Yea... I think..' she trailed off. 'Who on earth would put this here?' Pandora asked Y/n as she sat up. 'Hagrid, probably.' She muttered standing up and helping her friend up.

'Y/n! Pando! Are you guys ok?' Mary shouted from above, looking at her friends with panic on her face. 

What a stupid question to ask.  Y/n thought as she groaned once more, touching her sore abdomen.

'Just peachy.' Y/n shouted back. The girls rolled their eyes. Pandora looked around the small but deep hole.  'There's nothing here to help us get out.' Said Pandora, slight fear in her voice. She was slightly claustrophobic. 'Don't worry! We'll get you out of there!' Molly shouted. 'How're we gonna get them out?' the two girls heard Lily whisper-shout.

'Maybe we can smoke 'em out?' Marlene asked, peering down the side and flashing the girls her most charming smile.

'They're not bees.' Mary told her. 'Worth a try...' Marlene mumbled, shrugging. Mary just shook her head.

'Y/n! is there really nothing that can help you get out?' Lily asked, looking down. Y/n looked at her red head friend with a "really" look. 'Oh wait! Here's a GRAPPLING HOOK!' She shouted, pointing to one side. 'Ohohohoh! and there's an ESCALATOR! Silly us!' she shouted again, pointing to the other side, waving her arms around. Lily smiled sheepishly before disappearing out of view.

'Calm down' Pandora laughed. 'I am as calm as a cucumber.' Y/n muttered, wrapping her arms around herself. 

'Wait for a minute guys! Hagrid's coming to help!' Molly shouted. A few minutes later, a huge, slightly rickety ladder was let down. Pandora went up first, followed by Y/n.

The both of them gave Hagrid a huge hug. 'Oh my god! thank you Hagrid!' They exclaimed. 'Ye! Yer welcome. I'll make Sure to cover it up la'er today. Used it to feed em' animals...' He trailed off. The girls thanked him once more and left with a promise to drop in for tea sometime. 


As the girls walked back, they decided to go by the lake. It was easy to say that Y/n didn't enjoy that.


Regulus sat by the lake with Isabella, talking about something serious. Isabella was watching him with a teasing look. Regulus looked up to see the teasing smile on his friends face and pushed her away, laughing and telling her to stop it.

His face fell when he heard a laugh that he could recognize anywhere. Y/n's. Isabella saw the look on his face and burst into laughs. 'Wow...' she muttered while she watched Regulus try to maintain his blank face. 'Shut up, will you?' he muttered, glancing back to the little group.

Pandora was crouching down to pet a little animal in the lake while Mary stared at her with a longing look. Y/n whispered something and Mary slapped Y/n on the arm. 'The lake looks pretty good right now.' Mary muttered.

Y/n laughed. Regulus turned to Isabella who looked at him with raised eyebrows. 'No. I'm not asking her out. And if Marlene hasn't asked you out by this month, you're coming with me.' He muttered, getting up.

'It's Black.' Y/n mumbled before crouching down next to Pandora. Regulus turned to her and watched for a moment. He wanted to join her but also had the urge to push her into the water. Suddenly, one of them approached the pair. It was Marlene. 

'Hey you guys.' She smiled. Isabella smiled her crush while Regulus gave her a thin lipped one. 'Got a date for the dance?' She asked casually. It was barely noticeable but her eyes kept flickering to Y/n and back to Isabella. 'No.' Regulus said bluntly. Isabella just smiled up at her friend and shook her head. Marlene, Isabella and Regulus watched the other five girls, which two of the, were glaring at the them while the other three laughed at something one said. Marlene sighed deeply before turning to Isabella. 

'Be my date?' She asked, as casual as possible. She didn't mean it though. Regulus could see that. He had half a mind to tell Marlene to shove off but after seeing Isabella's face light up at this question, he shut his mouth. 'Ye-yea. I- I'd love to...' Isabella trailed off, staring at the other girl in awe. Marlene gave a genuine smile at the way Isabella looked at her before pressing a kiss to the latter's hand and walking back to her friends. The five of them congratulated Marlene before hugging her. Y/n spared one last glare to Regulus and a soft smile to Isabella before turning back to her friends. 

Regulus watched the little group with an unreadable look. Isabella placed a hand on his arm and looked up at her friend with great concern. 'He'll ask her. And she'll say yes.' He mumbled before stuffing his hands in his pockets and turning to the school. Regulus sighed deeply before walking away, his mind on the Owl's that were approaching, leaving his friend to stare at him with a frown. 

'What the hell is going on with him, I shall never know...' she muttered to herself before walking towards the group of six girls.


What the hell is going on in my brain, I shall never know... my brain isn't braining....

Like brain! What are you doing writing this! Where'd you even get this shit from!? What is going on with Regulus!? I don't even know guys. Like honestly. I don't. So, don't ask.... Ily <33

And I'm bored and it's currently 6 am, I got no sleep, (don't be like me!) SO PLEASE FORGIVE MY VERY BAD WRITING....


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