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Its a weird chapter babes... I have no idea what to do 😭

DECEMBER 13th, 1977


The dance was creeping closer and so was the excitement. Many kids had gotten new dress robes but some had gotten second hands. Y/n had a beautiful Silver gown which her mother had bought just the other day. Teachers had decided to hold a practice session during the class after lunch as there were rumors that there would be ministry officials there. The classes were to be shuffled. For the first day it was to be Slytherin - Ravenclaw and Gryffindor - Hufflepuff. the next day was Ravenclaw - Gryffindor and Slytherin - Hufflepuff. And the following day was Hufflepuff - Ravenclaw and Gryffindor- Slytherin.
The boys were pretty much done with the ball at this point but it was mandatory for everyone to attend.
Classes were held in the great hall.


'How many of you know to dance?' All the rich snobs raised their hands. 'How many of you know the basics?' Y/n and the other kids raised their hands. There were only a few who didn't. 'You all, help them.' Mrs. Dodds, the muggle studies teacher, told the ones who knew the dance and pointed to those who knew the basics.

Regulus tried his best to reach anyone but Y/n. And he succeeded by pulling away Rosie Awer away from another Slytherin. Though 5th years weren't allowed to the dance, they still had dance lessons along with the 6th and 7th years.

While Y/n stood with her pair, Jones Skeve, she looked around. The two pairs that caught her eye were Marlene and Isabella, who were laughing at Mrs. Dodds. And one she thought she would never see. A blushing Caius held a smirking Barty's hand with a soft smile. Y/n smiled at them. Yes, she hated them. But they were cute.

Back to Regulus and Rosie. Rosie knew how to dance. Mrs. Dodds retraced her steps and checked all the pairs, who were in position and were waiting for the music to start. Seeing that Rosie and Regulus were together, she pulled Regulus away from Rosie and put him next to Y/n, taking Jones, who was Y/n's partner, to Rosie.

Regulus could not have that. 'Why am I with her? I mean, there are almost 30 girls in here! And I'm out with the one I do not like! Why?' He bust out. The little chatter students had made ceased, and all eyes were in Y/n, who stood there awkwardly, and Regulus, who now looked like he wanted to shrink into a shell now, his face red.

'Well, that settles it. You're a pair.' Mrs. Dodds spoke with no emotion. A small chuckle left a bunch of students as Regulus gawked at the lady with disbelief. Y/n smiled inwardly as she held out a hand. 'Care for a dance, Mr. Black?' Regulus glared at her before taking ahold of her hand, albeit a bit too hard. 'Ow.' She muttered, cringing slightly. The music started. It was a mildly fast, classic song.

Regulus led Y/n through the dance, stepping on her feet every chance he got. 'Ow. ow. ow. stop it!' She whispered each time. Finally, she tried to push him away. Which led to him twirling her and pulling her close with enough force to pull her arm out. Fortunately for her, the music ended. 'You idiot!' She burst. But unlike Regulus, she was quiet enough for only him to hear.

'Good job. I am pleased to say the best pair in this room right now is Mr. Black and Ms. Merdiue.' With that she dismissed the class. Y/n walked away from Regulus as fast as she could. Both of them were pretty sure that weren't "the best pair in the room" during that dance.


Y/n had Defense against dark arts next. She tied her hair up into a low bow as she walked in. Pandora walked next to her, mumbling things she had read from her book.

𝐘𝐨𝐮. || 𝗥.𝗕 || on hold / very slow updates.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ