
433 16 5

NOVEMBER 24th, 1977


Later that day was potions. To say everyone was excited would be an understatement. It was the class where they would see the final stage of making Amortentia and get the recipe. It was said to be the strongest love potion in the world. Which is why they would be making a very dilute one. The girls of the class were buzzing, wondering what they'll smell, while the boys just wanted to get it over with. Their feelings were valid. Over the past few weeks, the whole girl population of the school seemed to have bought a perfume of the smells petrichor and cinnamon. This infuriated a couple of boys as their girls did so too. All this to woo Regulus Black. There were rumours that Rylan Fowler had smelled the same in his year.


To say that Y/n nervous was fine. Because she was. Very. Her friend had been asking her since 4th year what did she smell in the potion. Y/n kept her mouth shut.

While walking to the classroom with her friends, their robes a bit muddy due to Herbology, Y/n's mind travelled to 4th year. The first time she had seen Amortentia. The smell was intoxicating. Flowers, dirt, old parchment. She didn't know anyone who smelled like that. Not that she went around smelling everyone, mind you!.

However, she had gotten a whiff of Amoretentia recently too. About a month or two back. Her mind reminded her. It was in September. When she decided to take a bath in the perfects bathroom. But then, the smell had changed or to be more specific, something had been added. Expensive cologne and old books. Who smelled like that among the people she knew, she did not know. Y/n remembered feeling giddy when she did smell it in the bathroom. Mainly because most of the scent was the same at that of 4th year.

Y/n was pulled out of daydream by Pandora who tugged on her arm to avoid her crashing into a ghost. 'Sorry, Sir Nick!' Y/n called backwards. 'Head in the clouds?' Pandora asked, laughing. Y/n smiled and shook her head.


They reached the classroom soon enough and seated themselves. 'Hi Y/n!' Lily greeted her friend. 'Hi Y/n smiled back at her. 'Good afternoon. Quickly copy this down and start!' Professor Slughorn said from behind his moustache. With the flick of his wand, the chalk rose and wrote the following :

Standard Potioning Water (24 fl. oz.)
Ashwinder Eggs (3, frozen)
Rose Thorns (roughly a handful)
Peppermint (6 flower heads; 12 leaves)
Powdered Moonstone (3 Tbs.)

The kids quickly wrote it down as Slughorns levitated a cauldron inside. There was bubbling hit pink liquid inside. 'It will turn a pearly pink in a few minutes. But... before that... whoever can perfect the hiccoughing potion perfectly, will be allowed to smell the potion. The others will then have to wait till 6th year.' He said.

At this many boys shrunk into their seats, clearly not wanting to smell it. 'And I will award 25 house points.' He added.

At this, there was a clutter of cauldron being heated up and ingredients being put into it.

Y/n would be lying if she said she had no interest in smelling the potion. But she mainly wanted the points. Halfway through the given time, Y/n heard Lily struggling. 'Shit. Shit, Shit, Shit!' She tried to pull something out with her spoon. It was a bezoar. 'Shit.' She let her head fall to the table. It was dissolved, only a tiny piece left.

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