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Guys.... this is THE chapter where Regulus takes Y/n out on a "friendly date". There is one line (by pandora), the last line and  AHHHHH

And I truly thank you for 9.3k, love you all <33 especially my ogs <33

JANUARY 28th, 1978

'Y/n, are you ready?' Pandora asked, popping her head into the room. Y/n brushed her hair one more time before nodding. Pandora smiled and held her hand, leading her down the stairs. Marlene laid on the couch, playing with her hair absentmindedly. The three girls were dressed in sundresses with coats above. 'Finally! Let's go!' Marlene groaned, taking ahold of Y/n's other hand and pulling her along. 

What happened was that, after Rylan left, Y/n had been seriously sad. Regulus, seeing this, asked her out on a platonic date, claiming that it might cheer her up a bit. Y/n agreed. But Marlene and Isa, who were making out in the background, heard this and said that they wanted to join. This news reached Barty and Avery, and Y/n couldn't leave Pandora out of the loop, so she invited her too. And Pandora invited Mary (cause they're dating) and Mary called Lily. After a lot of persuasion, Lily decided not to tell anything about Y/n's and Regulus's friendship. Even though it did come off as a hit to her. 


'There you are!' Mary smiled, hugging Pandora and interlocking their fingers as she scrunched up her nose. Pandora laughed and kissed Mary's cheek.

Marlene ran to Isa and hugged her while Avery and Barty just stood there. 'Hey' Regulus whispered as the group started their walk. 'Hello' Y/n replied with a soft smile. The rest of their friends were walking ahead, laughing and giggling. Y/n didn't feel like joining them, so she stayed back with Regulus. 

'You- uh, removed the ring?' He asked, glancing down at her bare left ring finger. 'Uhm- no, well, from my finger, yes. But I still have it.' She said, reaching for a silver chain that laid with the gold one which Rylan gave her. The silver chain was plain except for the bad of silver hanging on it. Regulus' ring. Regulus smiled at her before stopping her walk by holding her elbow. 'Why did you remove it?' He asked, quietly. 'Brought on too many looks.' She shrugged. Regulus sighed before moving her hair to the side and unclasping her silver chain. 'Let them look.' He muttered under his breath as he removed the ring and slid it back into her finger with a smile. 'Beautiful'. Y/n looked up to his eyes. They seemed to be blending into the cloudy sky. but still stood out. The girl sighed and looked at her silver chain. 'What about that?' she asked. 'I'll wear it-' Regulus was cut off by her. 

'Then wait.' She said, removing a bracelet from her hand. It was plain and held one charm. It looked like a pressed bronze coin. 'Put this on' she removed the charm and dropped it into his hand. Regulus turned it around. 'Arcturus' he read with a chuckle before putting it on. 'Beautiful'. She smiled, repeating his words. 'Well- we'd better get back to it, come on' Regulus extended his hand which Y/n took. 


'I've been reading more Shakespeare now.' Regulus told Y/n as they climbed up the hill they needed to be at. Sunset was nearing, orange and pink hues peeking a look at them from behind the wall of clouds. 

'Really? Which one?' Y/n asked, looking up from him, pulling her coat closer to her body. The wind picked up slightly. 'A midsummer night's dream' he said with a chuckle. Y/n joined him. 'I remember a few lines, wanna hear?' He asked, looking at her. Y/n nodded before looking to the direction of the sunset.

'Your virtue is my privilege: for that
 it is not night when I do see you face,
 Therefore I think I am not in the night;
 Nor doth this wood lack worlds of company,
 For you, in my respect, are all the world"
 Then, how can it be said I am alone,
 When all the world is here to look on me?'

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