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I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22!

JANUARY 10, 1978


Classes were back on track after new year. And so was the tension for the owls and newts. Teachers had seemed to convince themselves that the exams were tomorrow and not a few months away.


It was past Lunch. Y/n and Marlene had a free class. The Slytherin's snuck out and Professor Fontaine had given the Hufflepuff's a Free class as they were ahead of the syllabus. The Ravenclaws were practically done with it though.

'Well, I think telephones are good muggle inventions. Imagine you were in... say Australia, I could call you from London!' Rylan spoke animatedly with Regulus who listened closely. He had stopped using the word "Mudblood" but now have all together stopped addressing the no-maj community.

'That's sounds... nice.' Regulus managed a thin lipped smile. Y/n and the others walked a bit back, talking about nothing in particular.

'My legs are aching! Are we there yet, Fowler!?' Marlene groaned. Y/n giggled slightly under her breath along with Caius while Barty laughed out loud. 'Almost!' Rylan called back pleasantly, causing Marlene to frown, annoying her even more.

They soon reached the outskirts of the forest. 'Just through here' he pointed to a worn out path that strayed from the main one and they were soon in a place free of snow. It held a bunch of flowers and a greenhouse. 'Welcome to Rylan's garden!' He spread his hands and smiled, an innocent shimmer in his soft blue eyes, making them seem like diamonds.

'These are all muggle plants. I collected seeds while I went touring with my aunt! and the green house holds magical plants. They're less maintenance. Hence, the greenhouse. I rarely go there.' Rylan explained, his smile never leaving for a moment. 'Ooh, Y/n! come 'ere! I planted these for you!' He exclaimed, pulling her over to a place full of (f/f). The girl gasped. 'Oh, my god! Ry!' She exclaimed, matching his previous energy and hugging him hard. 'I'll teach you how to plant them! See, you first make a small hole, right? And then put the seed and cover it.' 

'My dad would've loved you' the both of them smiled, looking into each others eyes. 

Behind them, Marlene and Barty seemed to have started an argument.

'He's my boyfriend!'
'I just looked in his GENERAL DIRECTION!'
'Avery is mine. So, eyes off him or I'll gouge them out.'
'Possessive much' She mumbled 'Bub, I'm gay.'

She flicked his nose and walked off to admire the Cayman sage Rylan had somehow got seeds of.

Meanwhile, Regulus held a rose between his fingers, slowly inhaling its scent. It reminded him of someone. Someone he loved- no, loves. He lifted his head slightly and looked at her through his lashes. Her laughter reached him and Regulus felt his heart rate spike. He took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of the rose once more, slightly calming himself. He looked down at the rose and the back at the couple to see them share a small kiss, smiles never fading.

Regulus suddenly blinked twice and looked back the rose. Crushing it in his hand and letting the petals fall to the other side of a bush. 'Hey, what's up?' Caius asked softly, laying a hand on Regulus's shoulder. He quickly gave a tight lipped smile. 'I'm fine. I'm was just wondering if I could take back one of these for Isa, she likes lavenderish blue...' He tailed off, running his hand over a bush of small lavender flowers with thin stems.

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