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I won't be describing the dress, only the fact that its Silver and kinda floats when you twirl :)
Spoiler alert: there's another Taytay reference in this chapter <33

DECEMBER 27, 1977


It was finally THE DAY.

The day that the girls waited for with such anticipation and the boys waited for with slight dread. Breakfast and Lunch was served in the common rooms as the great hall was being set for the dance. Since it was Christmas holidays, classes weren't happening and during the morn', almost everyone was outside in the snow, rolling, playing, laughing. The was slight snow fall and there were signs of sleet. The teachers spent the whole day setting up the dance.


'Y/n!' Pandora shrieked as the girl ran a hand through her hair. 'What?' Y/n asked tiredly. Marlene sat on the other stood, dozing off and Julia did her makeup. 'Marlene. Please stop falling asleep.' Julia begged, drawing a thin wing above Marlenes eyelashes. Julia and Pandora were completely dressed and were now helping the two lazy ones get ready. 'There's only two quarters to sundown! stop messing up your hair!' Pandora swatted away Y/n hand, which was again reaching for her hair. 'Then stop pulling it out of its roots.' She muttered as another perfect curl fell to her shoulder. 'And done.'

'Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, Y/n Arcturus Merdiue!' Pandora exclaimed, laughing joyfully as Y/n did a twirl and slight bow. 'Why, thank you, thank you.' She muttered poshly before going to sit on her bed to put on her shoes. 

Soon, the four of them were done and exited the chaotic room into the even more chaotic common room. Ravenclaws were known as the "neat house". And if the "neat house" was like this, Y/n did not want to see the others.

'Oh, my god! you girls look stunning!' Tony complimented as he and Nora joined them. Only a few kids were left in the common room, either waiting for their dates or doing last minute touch-ups. 'Do you think the ball will upto the Yule ball standards?' Marlene asked, brushing her hair back as it kept falling to her face. 'Hmm, I did read about the Yule ball in "Hogwarts: A history." and honestly? No, I don't think so. But it should be good. I mean, the teachers were there all day.' Nora explained. The other 5 nodded. 'Oh, there's Rem! Catch you guys later. bye!' Y/n ran off to join her best friend.

'Hey Rem' She smiled. 'Hello Y/- Gosh, you look... very pretty!' Remus stuttered as he looked at his best friend with pride. '"Jaw dropping." would be a better word.' Sirius flirted, throwing an arm around Y/n. 'Gee, thanks. I'm flattered.' Y/n hid her face in her hand jokingly. 'Where's James?' She suddenly asked. 'Sulking in our dorm room with Peter.' Sirius sighed. 'We tried, but he wouldn't budge.' Remus told her as they opened the door to the great hall. The three of them gasped collectively. It was beautiful.

Snow fell but didn't touch the ground. Mistletoes were placed here and there, not too less but too many either. The room had a baby blue glow to it but Y/n couldn't figure out where it was coming from. A band of goblins played jazz tempo music to which some kids were dancing to. Laughter filled the hall.

That's when she caught his eyes. Rylan looked like himself but in a really good tux. (Baes, just imagine Tewkesbury here)

Y/n smiled giddily as she walked down the stairs. Rylan stared at her with "THE LOOK". Her ears burned as Y/n took Rylan's hand. His eyes fluttered all over her face, as if trying to take in everything about her. 'You're...beautiful.' Rylan kissed her hand as he pulled her to the side of the room where Benny and Amos were. 'Hello!' Amos greeted Y/n cheerfully when he saw her. 'Hey' she smiled at them. 'You look beautiful. Jaw dropping' Benny told her, sounding slightly drunk. 'Gee, are you drunk?' She asked, putting a hand to his forehead. 'Slightly' he hiccoughed.

𝐘𝐨𝐮. || 𝗥.𝗕 || on hold / very slow updates.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora