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Sorry for publishing and unpublishing and stuff :)
I have SO MANY ideas...
And yes. You should be afraid. (For I am Dracula! Bleh, bleh bleh!)

DECEMBER 29, 1977

Y/n walked hand in hand with Rylan as the wind blew slightly against them. Their friends were bit ways ahead and laughter sounded from them. Benny, Amos, and Rylan had invited Y/n for a picnic. Rebeka, Amos's girlfriend, was also joining them. Though, at first, she seemed hard and cold, Y/n decided that she was the nicest person after Mary.

Benny was the only one who came alone.

'You think the lake would be too cold to swim in?' Y/n questioned, swaying slightly in the breeze. 'What type of a question is that? It's winter Y/n!' Rylan laughed as Y/n grinned. 'The lake hasn't frozen over though. We could dip our feet!' She said happily before running off. Rylan followed closely.

Soon, the five of them sat on the freshly fallen snow, munching on warm cookies and pastries.

'What time is it?' Benny asked randomly. Y/n took her pocket watch and consulted it.


She and Rylan said at the same time. 'How'd you know the time?' Y/n asked skeptically after seeing that Rylan had no watch. 'I've been counting since I woke up at 6am.' He said solemnly. Y/n raised her eyebrows as if to say "Yeah, right.". At this Rylan laughed, leaning backwards. 'The sun.' He told her, pointing at the celestial body as if it were the most obvious thing ever. 'Right.' Y/n nodded slowly, not getting it. Rylan sighed, scooting closer to her and slinging an arm over her shoulder.

'See, the sun is a bit past right over our heads, which means its past noon. It too far from right above to be 1 but too close to be past 3. So, I said 2.34. My mom taught it to me.' He smiled. Y/n nodded again, slightly getting it.

'Y/n, that was just a trick so he could put an arm around you.' Benny told as he threw a blueberry into the air and tired to catch it with his mouth. It bounced off his nose.

'Okay.' Y/n laughed before standing up and persuading the others to follow her to dip their feet in water.

After an hour, the 5 of them left back for the school. But as she walked up the stairs, Y/n felt a weight missing from her pockets. 'Guys, I can't find my watch.' Y/n said in a panicked tone. 'Are you sure?' Rebeka asked. Y/n patter her pockets once more to be sure. 'Yea...' She trailed off. 'I had it in my hand when we got into the lake- God. What if?' She was about to go when Rylan stopped her. 'Hey, you wait here, it might rain, I'll get it. Maybe it's on the rock to where we sat. I'll find it.' He said before walking in the direction to where they were sitting.

A few minutes later, he came back, jogging through the rain, clutching the pocket watch in his hand. 'Oh, thank God, thank God! Thank you so much!' She threw her arms around Rylan and pressed a kiss to his cheeks.

Rylan turned red and mumbled that it was nothing.

What he hadn't seen when he went to get the watch was that a wet Regulus sat on the other bank, hidden behind the small tree line. A worried and concerned Isabella, along with an annoyed Barty and Caius, stood next to him, blowing hot air at him through her wand.

'Why didn't you return it yourself?' She asked him as they walked back, Regulus still shivering slightly. Though Isa was over the moon when Rylan and Y/n became official she still wanted Regulus and Y/n to happen. It had been evident that Regulus has liked Y/n since-

𝐘𝐨𝐮. || 𝗥.𝗕 || on hold / very slow updates.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora