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Y/n walked out of the great hall along with Marlene. The two of them had Arithmancy. 'Pando told me about the guy yesterday.' Marlene whispered, doing something like a shimmy, inviting weird looks. She ignored it. That was the thing about Marlene, whenever anyone judged her, she did not care. Unless she had to. This was one of the many things Y/n admired about her. Not that she would admit it to Marlene.

'Sheesh. I say hi to one guy. One guy! and she told you?' Y/n asked looking at her friend. 'I heard it wasn't just a hi. Heard that he had to caress your cheek to bring you back from a day dream' Y/n didn't look at her friend but could hear her smirk. 'He did what?' She whisper-shouted as they reached Turris Magnus and started climbing the stairs. 'Wait... you didn't know?' Marlene asked. 'Well, no! when I broke out of the daydream, he was asking me if I was fine.' She explained. 'Ahh, I see. probably removed it before you snapped back.' Marlene guessed before completing the last puzzle that opened the door. Y/n handed her bag back and sat down. Marlene waved and left for her seat.

Halfway through the class, A tired and breathless Isabella ran into class. 'Sorry miss, I had- had Quidditch' She explained with huge breaths. 'Hmm. I think I need to talk to Professor Slughorn about your practice timings.' Professor Nesirl glared slightly before allowing her to move on. Isabella moved to her seat next to Y/n who smiled slightly. 'Hi' she whispered. 'Hello' Isa whispered back. Despite the fact that she was the best friend of Y/n's rival, the two got together well. 'Practice in the morning?' Y/n whispered. 'Yea, Reardon is killing us. Our next match is with Gryffindor. He isn't gonna underestimate them like Fowler did. so, extra practice.' Isbella explained. 'That's hard' The two girls nodded before writing down the notes. 'So, how's practice?' Isa asked y/n. 'Hard. Lewly isn't cutting us any slack. Prefect duties isn't helping either. I don't have much because this time they chose a few extras from Hufflepuff but it still is hard.' Y/n told her friend.

'Ms. Merdiue! Ms. Harlow! If you want to talk, you should have chosen something easier like Muggle studies! I will not have students talk in my class!' Professor Nesril's shrill voice shouted from behind the two girls who cringed and returned to their notes.


Slytherin had won the match against Gryffindor, which had enraged James so much that he jinxed anyone who had tried to talk to him. Today was the match between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. Y/n was very nervous but ecstatic. It would be her first match since 4th year. She was especially happy due to the fact that right before the players entered the locker room Rylan, along with his Gryffindor friend, Rudolph Wood (the captain of the Gryffindor team, had tried to drown himself after losing the match), had come to wish y/n good luck. 'If you win, I promise, butter-beer' he had told her. 'All the more reason to win' she had answered.

Halfway through wearing her jersey over the pant and shirt she wore underneath, James stomped into the room, followed by Sirius, Peter and Remus. 'I swear Merdiue, if you do not win this match I will-' James was cut off by the girl herself. 'Or you'll what? Jinx me?' She joked. 'Ma-maybe.' James glared before joining the girl in her laughter.

'Good luck junior. win. please!' Sirius begged as he gave her a side hug. Remus ruffled her hair and Peter gave her a good luck fist bump. 'Ok boys, out. We have to do last minute tactics.' Regina said. 'Well, we could always stay' the boys gave her their best puppy dog eyes. Regina laughed as she pushed the boys out.


As she walked onto the pitch, Y/n heart was doing summersaults. Quidditch was absolutely her childhood and present. 'Good luck' She whispered to her teammates as Regina walked up to Regulus and shook hands. The referee blew his whistle and let out the quaffle as soon as the players took their place. It was a clear but hot day and the wind was low. Perfect for a match. Y/n stayed high above the others. Regulus was a few meters below her.

'Hi.' He greeted, flying up next to her. 'Shut up.' was her response. 'Rude' He muttered before flying away. Reading this, people would think he was nice. But, he was just the opposite. In fact, he spoke "hi" in a way someone would tell you to jump off of a building.

Half an hour later, Ravenclaws were leading, 150-110. The match was hard and the heat was heavy. Y/n found herself peeling the jersey away from her body a bit too many times considering it was September. Regulus and Y/n had fought over the snitch 8 times already, loosing it every time due to the sunlight. This time, Regulus was above y/n and she was flying low.

She peered up at him, a hand above her eyes to stop the sunlight. She had to admit, he looked good. his hair was stuck to his forehead but still had volume. His jersey stuck close to the body and from the shaped it formed, you could tell he wasn't wearing anything underneath.

'150-120! SLYTHERIN HAS SCORED!' Caius' voice boomed around the place. Cheers arose from the Slytherins and Jeers from the others.

'oh ho ho! seems like Merdiue has caught sight of the snitch near the Slytherin goals!' He commented as Y/n flew towards the posts, Regulus right behind her. Indeed, she had seen the snitch but near the Ravenclaw posts. Just as they reached the Slytherin posts, she pulled up and flew towards her team's goal posts. The cold metal of the snitch felt like heaven against her hot palms as her fingers closed in on it. 'And Ravenclaw has won. Hooray.' Caius muttered, unenthusiastically.

The 3 houses except Slytherin broke into cheers. Regina and the team landed and ran towards y/n, who was now on the floor, lifting her up. She screamed along with her team and house. What heightened her happiness was the fact that Regulus looked annoyed as he pushed past Caius, Barry and Isabella. Glaring at y/n as she walked past, she stuck her tongue out at him. The Gryffindor's were starting to make plans for a party when Professor McGonagall broke it up and told prefects, other than those who played, to escort their houses back to the common rooms. The party still happened later.

Everyone patted the team on their backs as the walked past, giving fist bumps and playful shoulders. After everyone was gone, Regina spoke up. 'Good job Merdiue. Did us a solid, I'm proud of you.' She smiled at y/n and gave her a big sisterly hug. The team joined in as they hugged their seeker, who was stiff as a board.

'Go bath and change!' Regina shouted as the band broke up. Everyone patted the very happy y/n on the back one last time before going back into the locker rooms.

'That... was quite the play.' Y/n turned around to see Rylan with his hands inside the pockets. She chuckled and nodded, 'well, Black is hard to trick. Guess the heat got to him' she shrugged.

Rylan gave her a sly look. 'Or a confundus charms' he brought out his wand and her jaw dropped. 'No... did you?' She asked, smirking. 'Nah! The heat must've gotten to him' he laughed. Y/n joined in. The two stood in comfortable silence for a moment, it was nearing sunset, and the sun had already disappeared a bit behind the tree line of the forbidden forest.

'Guess I owe you a butterbeer then huh?' He asked, kicking a random stone. 'Looking forward to it' she replied. 'Wanna get going? It's getting late' he offered an arm. With a mock  surprised look, she linked her arm with his and the two set off down the path back to the school.

Little did they know that Regulus had heard the entire conversation.


Anyways, Love you guys

thank you sm for 152 reads <333



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