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We're in double digit chapter finally!!!!
gonna do a huge time skip btw...

Sorry for the many notifications...

OCTOBER 9th, 1977


The next day at breakfast, as soon as Y/n entered the hall, she was pulled into a bone crushing hug by Remus.

'I'm so sorry n/n. I didn't know you would be there. I really didn't. I'm so, so, sorry' he whispered into her ear, crying into her shoulder. Y/n hugged back, rubbing his back soothingly. 'You're fine. It's ok. I'm fine.' she smiled softly, pulling away. He gave her a watery smile. 'You could've killed Regulus though. I wouldn't've minded that...' She muttered. Remus laughed weakly. He was always weak after those nights. She guided him back to his seat next to Peter before patting his head. James, Sirius and Peter gave her a silent "Are you ok?". Y/n nodded and walking away. After breakfast, Remus left the other 3 to walk around with Y/n, still not over the fact that he could've killed her.

'Rem, look at me' She turned his head to hers, her hands on either side of his head. They were sitting by the black lake, allowing the little fishies to nip at their toes. 'None of it was your fault. I didn't tell you guys I was gonna be there, and I couldn't exactly back out.' She shrugged. Remus lifted his head to look at her with those doe eyes. Y/n smiled at him, melting on spot. She sighed, pulling him into a bear hug. One which he hugged back just as hard, sobbing into her shoulder again. The two of them spent the rest of the day together, occasionally joined by the other 3.


By dinner, Remus's mood had improved a lot and the two were playing wizards chess in the great hall, waiting for food to be served. 'All better now, mate?' Sirius asked, drumming on Remus' shoulders. The boy just hummed. 'Cheer up, sunshine!' James shouted before sliding in next to him. Peter moved in on the other side and stared at the chess board intently.

'Knight to D5. Checkmate.' He smirked. Y/n's jaw dropped. 'I was winning!' She exclaimed. 'Yea, and now you're not.' Peter smiled sarcastically. Y/n stuck her tongue out at him. The two got into a face making argument until Sirius covered Y/n's face with his hands.

'Siri, I can't breath' she cried dramatically, clawing his hand away. 'Would you like to meet me in my room tonight?' He whispered. 'Ew! James save me! You friend wants me!' She cried, sliding over the table and standing behind James with a pleased smirk. 'Calm down! I was joking... or was I?' He gave her this look, his lips puckered and eyebrows raised. 'Creep.' Y/n muttered. pressing a kiss to James' cheek, for no reason, before walking away.

'Hey! Don't I get a kiss?' Sirius fell to the table, dramatically, clutching his shirt. She pouted, shaking her head before disappearing out of the hall.

Y/n brushed off a bit of hair away from her eyes, sighing heavily as she walked down the hallway.


'You think you're better than us?' She heard someone shout slightly, followed by a punch. Y/n flinched at the sound of a cracking nose.

Y/n speed walked down the hallways, running slightly when the punching got harder. She slid around the corner to see the last person she expected to see in this position. I'm all his bloody glory, pinned against the wall was Regulus Black.

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