
702 21 12

October 1, 1977


The school was a buzz in the morning. This match would decide who plays against Hufflepuff in the next match. Y/n sat gloomily, turning the cornflakes in her cold milk slowly. The Ravenclaw players were either half-asleep or too excited.

Nora and Tony were leaning on each other, their spoons and hands suspended halfway as if they were about to eat the food.

'You'll come to cheer won't you?' Regina asked as she woke up everyone. 'Duh!' Y/n exclaimed, feeling her first jolt of energy of the day. Gilderoy was already dressed and was jumping around, telling everyone in sight that he was playing today. 

(Time skip the match cuz I'm lazy)

Ravenclaw lost 50-180. Regina ran off the pitch crying as Gryffindor celebrated and cheered. Y/n gave a hug to her friends before she and the team ran after Regina, giving her their last bit of honeydukes chocolates to cheer her up.

Gilderoy was somewhere complaining that Regina wasn't a good enough captain and that's why they lost and not because he failed to catch the snitch because he was too busy trying flirting with 7th years near the stands who couldn't care less about him.

The seven of them sat near the black lake, telling joke and making Regina laugh through the tears.

Later on, Mary and Lily "stole" y/n from the team for Remus. 'Guys where're we going?' Y/n asked the two girls who were leading her away. 'Remus wants your help. Something about an essay. The other 3 are with him too.' Y/n thought about it for a moment before it clicked. The map! 'Well girls, I can go from here. thanks!' Y/n shook herself free of the other two's grasp and ran.

She had just cleared the stairs and was walking towards the library when someone crashed into her. 


'I'm so sorry! I was- oh it's you.' The unmistakable voice of Caius Avery said. 'Yea. it's me. Can't you watch where you're going?' Y/n asked back in the same tone. 'Well, I'm sorry but I didn't think anyone would be going to the library. Especially with the Hogsmeade trip like 30 minutes away.' He smirked as they glared at each other. 'Could say the same about Black.' Y/n gave Caius a sarcastic smirk which Peter would be proud of before walking away. 


Y/n pushed open the library door to find it almost empty. It would usually have a few 6th or 7th years scattered around but now only three 1st years fighting quietly over something. (see what I did there?) Y/n ignored them and walked towards the end of the library. 'Hello.' she greeted the four boys who were fighting over something. They stopped as soon as she came into view. 

'You look hot!' 
'Sirius, that's inappropriate! she's like our sister! But you do look hot Y/n. You always are.' 
'Hey Y/n'

Peter, Sirius, James and Remus greeted her respectively. Y/n stared at Sirius and James a moment longer in a mix and disgust and amusement before sitting down in a chair. 'So, found the charm?' James asked after a beat of silence. 'No. I will today though. Don't worry about it. You guys can go to Hogsmeade. I have detention now. Good bye.' she muttered before getting up and walking away. 'Y/n! Wait!' Remus shouted, running behind her. 'Quiet!' Mrs. Brooke screamed from somewhere. 

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