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Monday mornings were hard for y/n.

It was Ancient Runes first thing and all the houses were together as not many people took this subject, which made it stressful as everyone liked to talk at 8:30 in the morning. Regulus and a Gryffindor, named Molly, were the only ones that y/n knew well(-ish) in this class. She sat next to Molly and a fellow Ravenclaw, while Regulus sat with two other Slytherins one row back. Ancient runes was hard enough for y/n without Regulus flicking his wand every two seconds and messing up y/n's hair. Only when Molly turned around and gave Regulus a warning look did he stop.

After Ancient runes, Y/n, Molly and Rylan, who joined the girls halfway there, met up with Lily, Marlene and Mary. Pandora had gone to the library for homework for divination. 'Hi y/n!' Lily launched herself at the girl as Mary and Marlene gave Molly a big hug. 'Oooh! whose this?' Mary asked looking at Rylan. Just then, familiar laughter was heard. 4 boys ran out of the school. James stopped short as soon as he saw Lily. The red head, Molly, nudged the ginger on the shoulder. James and Lily stood there, staring at each other for a moment before Sirius shook James out of his trance by walking towards us.

James held his friend back for a moment before whispering something to him. Remus rolled his eyes and walked up to the duo. He whispered something to both their ears, Peter also joined the hushed conversation. The four of them suddenly looked at y/n's and Rylan's close proximity before going back to the conversation. The other four girls had moved on and was now talking in hushed tones too. Y/n, embarrassed by the fact that the boys notices the little distance between Rylan and her, moved away from the boy slightly only to be brought back to her first position, if not closer by the said boy.

'Wanna take a walk? too many secrets going on around here.' Rylan joked. Y/n calmed her racing heart a bit before turning to the boy. 'I would love to, but now that the boys are walking towards us, we're dead' she whispered. 'So, we're also sharing secrets now?' Rylan asked, whispering and leaning closer to her. This caused all four boys to glare at Rylan. 'We're so dead' y/n whispered. 'We could always run' He offered. But before y/n could answer, she was pulled back.

'Y/n!' James exclaimed pulling her towards him and shooting Rylan a look. 'How are you?' Peter asked, happier than anyone has ever seen him. Y/n rolled her eyes. The four always did this if she talked to a guy. Last time they threatened poor Frank Longbottom because he asked y/n for notes.

'Guys, stop.' Y/n pushed herself away as the other 4 girls joined them. 'Oh, hey Lily.' James smiled at the ginger, leaning onto Sirius who moved away last second causing James to stumble. The girls stifled a laugh. 'James, why don't you four go prance around the black lake, hmm? Do it fast though. Bell's about to ring.' Y/n gave each of the four boys a kiss on the cheek before walking back to the school with Mary who decided to join her.

'Hey! I don't get a kiss on the cheek?!'
'Hey! I don't get a kiss on the cheek!?'

Rylan and Lily shouted, causing everyone there to give them weird looks. Mary and Y/n laughed as they entered. Y/n dropped Mary off at Defense against dark arts and left for the prefects bathroom.


Upon entering, Y/n felt the same feeling of awe she got every time. The bathroom was much cleaner than the others and was fit for a king. Y/n jumped suddenly, hearing giggles from the taps. 'Myrtle, is that you?' Y/n asked, after getting into the water.

'I closed my eyes, I promise' the ghost giggled. 'Mhmm.' Y/n rolled her eyes playfully. 'You just missed Regulus. you know?' Myrtle spoke in that voice of hers, one that made people feel like she was gonna burst into tears.  'And why would I want to know that Myrtle?' Y/n asked, playing with the lavender scented bubbled. However, some part inside of her wanted to know everything. 'He looked really good. His muscles are very defined. Sadly I'm a ghost.' She giggled sadly. 'Ok... and again.... why would I wanna know?' Y/n asked, moving towards another tap. This was labeled "Je t'aime", she opened it, instantly smelling flowers, dirt, old parchment, expensive cologne and old books. Y/n recognized the first three smells instantly, feeling giddy. 'Is there amoretentia in this one?' she asked the floating ghost who was now trying to pop bubbles. Myrle looked up and nodded. 'Mild. Diluted.' she spoke sorrowfully. 'And to answer your other question, Reg kept telling me about you. He told me how much he hates you... but his eyes told a different story.' she whispered with a giggle. before disappearing into a tap.

Before she could process what she just heard, the door opened and y/n sunk underwater reflexively. 'Calm down, it's me.' Isabella's voice reassured y/n. 'Oh. It's you.'  she muttered, coming back up. 'Hand me that' she pointed towards the bathrobe that was neatly folded. 'Here.' Handed it to her friend and turned around, y/n drained the water and tied the robe around her as she got out. 'What class do you have? After lunch?' Isa asked, Turing the taps on. 'Uhm, Potions with Gryffindors. Why?' Y/n answers from behind the changing room. 'Nothing.' Isabella whispered, dipping into the water.


Y/n walked out of the prefects bathroom, her hair in a loose braid. Just as she turned a corridor, she heard someone mumble quite loudly. 'No. That's too much'. The "someone", her mind told her, is Remus. Y/n peered around the corner and indeed it was. Remus stood out here, arms folded and glaring at James and Sirius. Peter stood to the side, reading a book, clearly not wanting to take any part in this conversation. 'You wanna use...' he trailed of, giving a look around before whispering '- on a person! Cockroach and rats' Peter gave an involuntary wince, Remus shot him a sorry look, 'are fine. But people? No. Just no, James' Remus finished.

Y/n couldn't hear it properly but it didn't sound like a charm. So definitely a defense again dark arts or a dark art. Her best subjects. 'I won't! I just need someone to try it on a person to see the effects and Severus and Regulus are the best options.' James reasoned. Sirius became visibly uncomfortable at the mention of his brother. 'And you and Peter can be on the side, to go call a teacher if it goes too bad.' Y/n gasped slightly. They were planning to use a curse or spell at someone and by the sounds of it, it was bad. Y/n walked around the corner, anger painted on her face. 'Remus! You're a prefect! You can't allow them to do this!' She argued with her best friend. 'Y/n!' James squealed, jumping up in surprise. Sirius held the left side of his chest in shock.

'What'd you think I'm trying to do?' Remus gave her a soft smile, happy that she was here. 'How much did you listen in?' Sirius asked, nervous. 'I heard enough. And you better not do it. I might hate your brother and Severus but whatever you're going do, if Remus thinks it's too much, then it clearly is! So unless you wanna get suspended, I recommended you do not do it.' She told her brother figures before glaring at both of them and stalking off. 'Y/n-!' James called but it was of no use.


I love Remus sm like, big brother vibe!
and Peter just ignoring everything is just amazing
sorry for short chapters

I swear its not a love triangle! Regulus feels nothing for y/n!, yet!
Halfway through this year, Regulus starts to like Y/N again.. so yea. Hope you like triangles.
But like. Regulus never shows it. and the only times the fact that he likes her is shown is in his THIRD POV cuz those POV's mainly focus on his thoughts.... thats it :)

Love you guys

Filler chapter...



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