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the plans I had for Rylan's proposal is all gone. So its bad... I might change it after I go back home...

DECEMBER 25th, 1977


Snow fell outside the school gracefully. Slowly, kids were waking up all over the castle. The first to wake up in the 5th year Ravenclaw dorm was Julia. Julia yawned and ran a hand through her black hair. Then looked to the calendar. 25th was surrounded with a huge red circle, Christmas written over it. Excitement took over her as she looked to the foot of her bed. Presents were littered there. 'Guys! guys! get up! It's Christmas!' She squealed, getting up and shaking Pandora up. 'Wha- Christmas!?' She asked, getting up. To her left, Marlene gave a small yelp and turned around. 'Get up!' Pandora shouted. Y/n fell off of her bed and Marlene sat up straight. 'What!? who's dead!?' Y/n stood up with her wand. 'Christmas!' She squealed, looking to the presents.

The girls quickly got ready and sat at the foot of their beds, opening the presents. 'This is from my mum! awww, she made one for each of us! Oh! Even for Lily and the M's!' Pandora brought out a set of sweaters and passed it around. 'Oh, my god! I love it!' Y/n removed her current sweater and wore it. It was a navy blue with a gold snitch in front. Marlen wore a similar one but it was a lighter blue and had cookies on it. Pandora had a light pink one, a frog with a crown on it. Julia had a brown one with a white star on it.

The girls had gotten through most of the presents by now. James got Y/n a book of butterflies. Sirius got Y/n a book which he made. It was titled "all the reasons to love Sirius Black". She gave it back and  told him to give this to Remus.

Lily had gotten Y/n a beautiful brooch and Mary had given a pair of hand knitted gloves. Marlene gave when Pandora suddenly snapped her fingers. 'Y/n! The yellow box! under you bed!' Pandora exclaimed and she leaned over and reached under the bed, pulling out a slightly dusty box. 'Oh! the one from fat friar.' Y/n remembered. Pandora tried to open it but it stayed shut. 'Y/N, you try.' She pushed the box to the girl.

With a deep breath, Y/n lifted the top off. 'Wow...' She muttered. Wow wasn't enough for the sight. There was a paper. and on the paper, with beautiful handwriting was

"Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely, more temperate.
Will you go to the ball with me?"

Butterflies fluttered around the wordings inside the paper. There were two boxes beneath the words. one with Yes next to it and the other with no. and under that was "Love, Rylan Fowler <3"

Y/n quickly got up and went to her bench and ticked the "yes" box.


Y/n rushed to the owlery with a letter clutched in her hand. It held words that described what had happened in the common room today morning. It was to go to her mother.

After opening the beautiful gifts Rylan got her (a notebook and an enchanted necklace), Y/n rushed off to the Great Hall. Rylan was standing outside it, tapping his toes and biting his bottom lip. Y/n felt giddy as she walked up to him. 'Hey-' She was cut off by him kissing her. Rylan Fowler kissed Y/n Merdiue in front of the great hall. Y/n kissed back, butterflies making themselves comfortable in her stomach. He tasted like fudge and just baked, chocolate (still gooey) chips cookies. 'You can unpack your bags now.' He smiled as they pulled apart. Y/n laughed as her friends cheered for them.

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