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This day is so long...
October is gonna be short, like there wont be many days mentioned cuz like the first of October took up 3 chapters and I'm trying to keep each month 5 chapters... I'm gonna add another interaction between Regulus and Y/n (the next detention) and then Halloween and I don't know how fast the moon changes


OCTOBER 1st, 1977


Finally it was 11:45. Sirius had fallen asleep sometime around 11:30. Y/n got up and slowly walked out of the room, not before taking Remus's cloak and wearing it. She walked out of the common room, slowly pushing the painting forward. The fat lady snorted in her sleep before going back to snoring. Y/n sighed of relief before continuing her walk. The moon glistened in all its half moon glory. This made her uneasy and made her remember the sweet boy whose cloak she had borrowed. With a sigh she pushed that out of her mind.
We'll deal with it when it comes.

Y/n smiled to herself, feeling slightly giddy, as she walked faster to the astronomy tower. Finally, after a lot of maneuvering away from Mrs. Norris's meows, she reached the stairs. Y/n breathed deeply before starting g the climb. After 2 good, solid, long minutes of climbing, she reached the top. The sight made her smile grow.

A silhouette stood there, gazing towards the black lake, two full bottles of butter beer glistening in the moonlight next to him. His hair blew slightly in the wind. It was quite chilly. Y/n sighed as quiet as possible to calm her butterflies before walking towards him.

'Hey' she greeted him softly. Rylan smiled as he turned to her. 'Hi! I thought you might've stood me up.' Said he, turning around. 'Gosh, I would never' Y/n told him truthfully. The two smiled at each other before looking towards different directions. To say it was awkward would be an understatement.

'Butterbeer?' Rylan asked, offering her one. Y/n's eyes out up as she took it to her hands, the warmth of the bottle calming her. 'So, how was detention?' He asked her. Y/n went quiet. 'It was... ok she muttered, enjoying the warmed of her drink. Rylan nodded as he sipped his drink, deciding not to push it further.

Then he turned to her with a smile that made her melt on the inside. 'Tell me about your day'. The two of them sat on the floor, their backs against the wall of the tower, talking about the day, conveniently skipping the mention of detention and the talk.


'And then, we had pastries and cakes and cookies! It was amazing! But Peter slept fast. And after that, James asked what was a paraphrase and the Sirius-' the rest was cut off by a screech from the black forest. This caused the two kids to jump and spill the rest of their drinks on each other.


The two of them cursed, trying to wipe off the drink. Rylan even tried with his wand but only a small amount went away. The smell still stuck. Rylan's drink mainly got spilt on Remus's cloak, which Y/n had removed now. Her drink got spilt on his black and yellow sweater.

The two sat in the cold for a moment before giggling. 'You never told me what Sirius said.' Rylan told her. 'You'll hear it next time' She bumped his shoulder. He bumped hers. 'The moon is beautiful, isn't it?' He asked randomly, glancing at her as she spoke. 'Yea. It is' She sighed, smiling up at the half orb.

'Tell me about your day' She said, turning to Rylan. 'My day was pretty perfect. Other than hogsmeade.' He said sadly. 'I talked to this new kid today, first year. She was pretty sweet. Mallory Gong.' He told her.

The pair were now sitting on the wall of the tower, their legs dangling off the side.

OCTOBER 2nd, 1977


A soft chime came from Y/n's pocket. She reached into it and pulled the object out. It was a small pocket watch. The background was a darkblue sky with a scatter of stars and the planet's moving in and out of view. The time was shown with golden Roman figures and two thin gold clock hands. The pocket watch showed 1 am.

'It's beautiful.' Rylan whispered. Y/n's breath hitched due to the fact that he basically whispered into her ear. 'Yeah she tried to keep her cool, 'My mum gave it to my on the day I left for Hogwarts' Y/n relished the memory.


A young y/n stood at the train station, eyeing the Hogwarts express with an uncertain look. Her mother, a beautiful lady with ginger hair, smiled at her daughter, placing a hand on her shoulder. 'Y/n' She told her daughter as she crouched to the little ones height. Y/n didn't look up at her mother and was instead staring at her shoes. 'Baby, look at me.' Y/n raised her head and looked at her mothers slender face. Her mother, Aleta Merdiue, was younger than most mother, having Y/n at twenty.

Her mother smiled at her, wiping her watery eyes. 'Oh, you look just like your father' She whispered before hugging her daughter. 'I love you so much and I know that you'll love Hogwarts.' She pulled away from the hug.

'But what if I don't?' She asked. The train gave it's first warning hoot. 'Oh you will! If you don't, you can return and we can figure something out. Okay?' Aleta moved a bit of hair from her daughters eyes. 'Okay...' She muttered. 'You know what?' Her mother pursed her lips.

'Here you go.' She pulled out a pocket watch. It was beautiful. 'Your father gave it to me on our first date. See.' She pointed at the initials. It was of her mothers. 'Now it's yours.' Slowly the initials changed from "A.Y.M" to "Y.A.M". Y/n smiled brightly as her mother watched Y/n run a finger over the letters with a smile. 'Thanks mum!' She cried, throwing her arms around her mum.

Just then an older boy walked towards them. He was in 3rd year. 'Take care of her, Amos.' Aleta scolded the boy playfully. 'You know I will.' He promised as he led y/n to the train. With a last look to her mother, who was waving to her, she entered the train.


'I remember that day' Rylan whispered. 'That's when I first saw you.' He smiled. The two didn't notice it yet, but they were leaning in. Suddenly an owl flew past, screeching as it went by. The pair jumped, moving away from each other.

'I-I suppose we better get back.' Y/n said, getting up. Rylan nodded and jumped down to the tower, holding out a hand for Y/n to take. She gladly took it and jumped down beside him. Rylan, still holding her hand, pressed a kiss to her cheek, handing her Remus's cloak. Y/n smiled before the two of them left the tower.

'See you tomorrow.' He slightly squeezed her hand. She laughed slightly before letting go of his hand. She waved before running off to the Ravenclaw common room, completely forgetting about the horrid detention and her Gryffindor friends who would freak out in the morning due to her disappearance.


Finally we're done with October 1st!

I hope you enjoyed this :)
Love you <33


Word count : 1280

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