Chapter 2

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"You know, what Amy just said is actually totally true Jack, you are a bully, just like Tim.
Ty and Amy are together and your treating her like she's 14 Yrs old, she'll be 18 in a few months, in case you've forgotten that's  classed as an Adult so either you change or I'm going back to Fairfield."
Lisa went and checked on Amy and they chatted, then just as Lisa was about to leave,"Amy, lock your door love, and check your windows, okay".
Amy locked her bedroom door and changed her bloodied clothes which had hers and Ty's blood all over them, she threw them on the floor knowing they were ruined,  then she lay on her bed thinking of Ty.
Tim was being interviewed and although he had this alibi, he painted a dire picture of Amy and Ty's relationship.
He told the detectives that she could be very violent and quick to temper just like her mother was if he spoke to another woman and Ty had a wandering eye, always looking at the ladies. He gave a good story that Amy and Ty had a big bust up due to Ashley Stanton and Amy attacked him with something in the barn and Ty fought back ect.
He also told them that Amy kissed a young man she was doing a horse clinic with called Chase Powers who she met while doing the Ring of Fire Challange and Ty saw her kissing this bloke, again they had a violent exchange and Argument.
The police seemed to buy that and let Tim go.

Amy woke in the morning and looked at herself in her mirror.
"God I look a mess." She looked at her black eye's,  dried blood and something else around her nose and mouth.
She looked at herself and couldn't believe she fell asleep with all this dried blood on her , it was under her fingernails too.
"I need a shower, oh god what a painful headache."
There was a knock on the mudroom door and there stood two big RCMP Officers.
"Hello Officers,  what can I do for you."
"We're looking for Amy Fleming."
"Please come in and I'll get her."
Jack went to get Amy as she came out heading for the Bathroom.
"Amy , there's two Officers from the RCMP to see you."
Amy stopped and put her hand on the wall while looking down and holding her head with her other hand as the room started to spin, she felt like she wasn't in her own body.
Lou was looking at her with Lisa doing the same.
"Jack, there's something wrong with Amy."
Lisa made a move as did the two Officers,  Just as Amy collapsed with everything going black.

Lou went off with Amy in the Ambulance and the Officers sat down with Jack and Lisa to ask them about Amy and Ty's relationship.
"We'll make this as quick as possible so you can get to the hospital."
"Why did you come for Amy in the first place. "
"Information we received was that Amy was Violent like her mother and Mr Borden had been showing interest in another young women by the name of Ashley Stanton, they were arguing all the time because of his wandering eye's and that she was the one who probably attacked Mr Borden in the Barn. Apparently she's a bit of the same we were told. They had a big bust up when Mr Borden caught her kissing a Chase Powers after they'd done a horse clinic together"
"What a load of Hogwash, they would never hurt each other. Ashley Stanton is not in the picture , Ty only has eye's  for Amy, and the only way she'd punch someone is if they attacked her first. She already told you it was her father who attacked them both."
"Mr Fleming has an Alibi of where he was when they were supposedly attacked."
"Is that so, well when I got to the Barn, I looked out the back and saw Tim Fleming  running across the fields, in fact he threw his, I imagine blood covered gloves away,  it should be in the report because I gave my statement to one of your officers. Go back and do your job properly,  then you talk to my Granddaughter if the doctors agree she's up to it."


To be continued

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