Chapter 6

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Lou was trying to stem the flow of blood on Amy's wound, Tim was laying on the floor, everyone ignored him, it was Amy they were worried about. Then they heard the sirens in the distance, Jack looked down and noticed Tim was gone, he looked out the window and saw him holding his neck then he was driving off towards the rear entrance road.
"If they don't catch Tim we say she was trying to be helpful by cleaning the small Rifle but there was a round left in it."
The RCMP Officers raced in and saw the commotion, Amy on the floor, Lou trying to slow the blood loss.
Blood on the floor by the cabinets where Tim had been sat on the floor.
Lou didn't really hear Jack .
"You missed him, he took the back road out, and he's injured."
They started asking questions which Jack had to answer truthfully, while the other car's went after Tim.

3 Years Later

"Where's Lou Lisa."
"She took some flowers up to the Cemetery Jack."
"Jeez, that time of year already".
"Yep, soon comes around again and again."
"I know Lou and Amy had their differences Lisa , but I know Lou's missing her."
"Well there's only a few days before she should be back, the show finishes tomorrow and it's a two day drive back."
"I wish she'd told us how bad she was."
"Depression can affect people in different way's Jack, but it was obviously worse for Amy having her memories back, reliving what her father did to them both. I also wish she'd of told us Jack, we could of helped her,  but Tim turning up like that as if he didn't do anything wrong pushed her over the top"
"Yeah I know, but Murder/Suicide. She never even killed him, just a bad wound which he must of survived. I'm surprised she managed to turn the Rifle round on herself. "
"Well Jack, she picked the smallest rifle, so it wasn't that hard and I'm just glad she survived. At least the counselling helped and Doctor Lee spoke to her, promising her that she wouldn't spend the rest of her life in the wheelchair. I suppose with her remembering everything and thinking that her life was over especially without Ty, she probably thought 'What's she got to live for'.
The hate she had for her own father must of been building up and when he turned up as if everything was okay, she obviously exploded like a volcano. I'm going to talk to Lilly, this ignoring us has gone on to long."

Lisa bought a new sim card for her phone so Lilly wouldn't know she was calling.
Someone answered the phone but it wasn't Lilly.
"Hello, is that Ty, Ty Borden."
"Yes it is, who's calling."
"Oh , my name's Lisa from Heartland in Alberta near Hudson Town."
"Oh hello Lisa, I'm surprised your calling me after what I was blamed for, and never wanting to hear or see me again."
"Err, sorry Ty but I have absolutely no idea what you're on about. We've been trying to get hold of you ever since your mum had you transferred to the hospital in Vancouver."
"Mum told me that you never wanted to see me again after what happened with Tim. She said you all blamed me for Tim killing Amy because we were kissing in the Barn. I still can't believe that she's gone, I really did love her Lisa, I want you to know that."


To be continued

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