Chapter 19

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Soraya and Lou were waiting in A & E
and Ty was just getting back from having an x-ray.
"What they say Ty."
"Fractured eye socket, Amy's stronger than she looks but it will heal on it's own, just going to be sore for a couple of months and I'll have a big black eye, I told the RCMP I'm not pressing charges, it was all my fault Lou. She asked me some questions and wanted me to answer them before she would tell me what I already knew about her being pregnant."
"How did you know, and why didn't you answer her."
"Well I was in Maggie's sat at the counter and the screens you installed Lou were behind me where I didn't know that Amy and Soraya were sitting,  I heard everything,  including about Jack trying to get my child Adopted without Amy's permission.  I will be reporting him Lou. He's like Tim, a Bully, but none violent so far."

A few minutes later and a Doctor comes out.
"Lou Fleming,  Hello I'm Dr Dramesh."
"Hello, how's Amy."
"Can we go and talk about Amy."
"Yes of course."
"Can I come please".
"Ànd you are, her husband, fiancé, family."
"Err no, we were going out, the baby's mine though."
"Well I'm sorry, but you'd have to be married or engaged to come with us, sorry."
Lou followed and looked back at Ty shrugging her shoulders then continued following the doctor.
"I can't believe this Soraya, I should of been allowed in with Lou."
"To be honest Ty,  if you'd of took Amy somewhere Cheaper and proposed which is what she was hoping for you would be in there. Tell me Ty, why haven't you asked Amy to Marry you!, I know you were in love with her until Tim went crazy.
Then eventually you remembered each other and started going out again, and then that Prince took a fancy to her. At least she reported his arse and got his contract at Hillcrest cancelled. But then you gave up the Trailer and left Heartland and basically left Amy. What's going on Ty."
"Let's just say that Tim left me a message."
"Ty, once you'd of been officially Married,  Tim couldn't do anything about it, you know that. So what's the other reason."
"I'm actually ashamed to admit it, but it's her health, look what happened while we were arguing, and the problems she's had before. How's she going to survive, what about the baby, what if something happens and the baby gets hurt."
"Oh so you've changed side's now, your after custody aren't you, who told you this eh, your mother, I bet she wants to get the baby taken off Amy so she can bring it up. Sorry Ty but there's only one person who'd get custody and that would be Lou. She's young, and Amy's Sister, so Amy could still spend time with her child.
I can't believe you Ty, Just piss off."
"I'll stay here thanks Soraya."
"Well get ready to get your other eye socket fractured."
Soraya ran over to Lou when she came back into the waiting room, she asked how Amy was then proceeded to update Lou on Ty's reasons for not proposing, and what she thought Lilly was up to.
Lou stood in front of Ty with a killer look, "For your information Mr Borden,  Amy had an Epileptic attack,
The Doctor asked what she was doing before she collapsed, you brought it on Ty, by getting her so worked up.
Ask your mother what her game is Ty, you see Lilly was talking to a friend of mine unknown to your mother, she was slagging Amy off about her stealing you from her. Said she'd already broken the two of you up and she had you back at home where you should be. Now she has eye's on Amy's baby."
"It's mine too Lou."
"That may be so Ty, but your as useless as a paintbrush without any bristles. Get your priorities right.
Amy will be on tablets for now for the Epileptic attack, The Doctor says she should be okay."


To be continued

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